Department of Computer Science – Department of Computer Science | ETH ...
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science. Computer science is one of the most influential scientific fields of the 21st century. Discover the pioneering spirit at ETH's Computer Science Department. Is AI intelligent?
Master Computer Science | ETH Zurich - ETH Zürich
The Master's degree programe in Computer Science at ETH Zurich offers a profound and in-depth education in several core areas of computer science. The programme guides each individual student in taking a meaningful path through the variety of course offers and designing a profile that matches both personal inclinations and prospective career ...
Master in Computer Science – Department of Computer Science | ETH …
The Master’s programme in computer science offers a profound and in-depth education in the core areas of computer science. The wide range of available courses and the flexible structure allow students to tailor their studies to meet their particular interests, needs, and goals.
Master's Programmes – Department of Computer Science | ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich's Computer Science Department runs several Master's programmes in English. All programmes are closely connected to the department's world-class research groups led by an internationally diverse faculty of about 45 professors.
ETH,EPFL最近几年ee或者cs的招生情况如何?一般每届多少国 …
ETHZ的CS招生门槛算所有专业里比较高的,被录取的学生普遍成绩较高,有的还有较高的排名加持,学校背景从清北华五到北邮都有。 从网上活跃的校友来看,普通985不在少数,还有一些211。 从去年来看ETH门槛高的离谱的是DS(应该比CS高出一个数量级),好像还有一个精英项目RSC门槛也很高,EEIT难度中等偏上。 EPFL历史没有ETHZ那么长,但是因为教学模式的原因招生量和班额也小些,且CS排名更高(当然这样的微弱领先可以忽略不计)。 目前没有成规 …
2023 CS PhD申请总结 & 苏黎世联邦理工(ETH Zurich) CS Master
本人情况:英本王的学院 cs,硕士ethz cs,方向cvcg交叉。 三维:本科GPA 90%,前1%;硕士GPA 5.7/6.0(Major GPA 6.0/6.0);因为是英本,免托福雅思GRE,也懒得再考了,简历上提了一嘴三年前考的雅思8.0(小分7.0)。
请问我条件够冲一下ETHZ的CS硕士吗? - 知乎
请问我条件够冲一下ethz的cs硕士吗? 中流985,cs非本校王牌,均分91,排名前2%,GPA3.9,两篇SCI,能拿到牛导推荐信,雅思一战裸考7.5,GRE准备中 更新下背景,cs专业,…
苏黎世联邦理工就读心得 - YaoBIG - 博客园
2020年2月22日 · 在ETHz,PhD既是学生(你可以选课)也是员工(跟导师签合同,工资很高,CS是100%工资,第一年税前7万瑞郎)。 ETHz的PhD大多是4年毕业,一般老师不会让你延毕。
Homepage CSE – Computational Science and Engineering | ETH …
The interdisciplinary training in mathematics, computer science and applications is excellent preparation for a career in business and industry. It's objective is to make new, computer-based career profiles accessible to students.
如何申请苏黎世联邦理工大学计算机科学硕士?申请攻略与要求详 …
2024年4月30日 · 苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH Zurich)的计算机科学(CS)硕士学位申请要求和攻略如下: 申请条件 : 本校计算机科学学士课程(德语)学生可无条件录取[[1]]。