教育電視 Educational Television Programmes - 教育局教育多媒體
學生可從多角度了解中國倡議「一帶一路」的原因,包括促進全球經濟發展、推動外交與和平、增進各國文化和資源互通等。 ... 1. 讓學生了解當家人面對經濟逆境(失業或即將失業)時的一些顧慮和壓力來源。 2. 提升學生面對家庭經濟逆轉時的適應能力和抗逆力。 3. 培養學生對身處經濟逆境的家人的關愛,以及讓他們認識一些可將關愛付諸實行的方法。 ... 在自由貿易下,較弱勢咖啡農民是否受到「剝削」一直備受爭議。 本節目透過理解其中的供求關係、議價能力等,讓同學 …
ETV4 - Wikipedia
ETS translocation variant 4 (ETV4), also known as polyoma enhancer activator 3 (PEA3), is a member of the PEA3 subfamily of Ets transcription factors. [5][6][7] Two variants of a disease associated with ETV4 is Ewing Sarcoma and Extraosseous Ewing's Sarcoma.
ETV4 Gene - GeneCards | ETV4 Protein | ETV4 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · ETV4 (ETS Variant Transcription Factor 4) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ETV4 include Skeletal Ewing Sarcoma and Hemorrhage, Intracerebral. Among its related pathways are MAPK family signaling cascades and Regulation of activated PAK-2p34 by proteasome mediated degradation.
ETV4 is a mechanical transducer linking cell crowding dynamics to ...
2024年5月3日 · Here we found that a well-known oncogene, ETS variant transcription factor 4 (ETV4), serves as a molecular transducer that links mechanical microenvironments and gene expression. In a growing...
ETS 变体转录因子 4(ETV4)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子 ...
ets 变体转录因子 4: 启用 dna 结合转录激活因子活性、rna 聚合酶 ii 特异性和 rna 聚合酶 ii 顺式调节区序列特异性 dna 结合活性。 参与角质形成细胞分化的正调节和 RNA 聚合酶 II 转录的正调节。
Five ETS family members, ELF-1, ETV-4, ETV-3L, ETS-1, and ETS ... - PubMed
2018年6月18日 · Our further studies indicate that five ETS transcription factors: ELF-1, ETV-4, ETV-3L, ETS-1 and ETS-2, can up-regulate the LAIR-1 basic promoter activity. Of these, ETS-2 is the most effective transcription factor. Moreover, ETS-2 was confirmed to interact directly with the basic promoter of LAIR-1.
China Education Television - Wikipedia
China ETV-4 (China) [ edit ] CETV Channel 4, formerly Air Class Channel, is a welfare satellite channel covering the nation, is focused on primary and secondary schools, teachers and parents, and provides documentaries.
Rearrangement of the ETS genes ETV-1, ETV-4, ETV-5, and ELK-4 …
ETV-1 and ETV-5 rearrangements were not found in the distant metastases cases, whereas ETV-4 and ELK-4 rearrangements were found in 1 (4%) of 25 and 1 (4%) of 24, respectively. Our findings suggest that rearrangement of the less frequent ETS genes is a clonal event during prostate cancer progression.
本短片嘉賓田小琳教授、施仲謀教授、周博博士及鄭兆倫同學,分享了他們學習普通話及推廣普通話的經驗。 普通話科自1998 年開始,成為香港中、小學核心課程之一,多年以來,香港師生的普通話水平不斷提高;學好普通話,不但有利於與內地及其他地區的人交流與連繫,開拓視野,更能增加對中華文化的體認,增強對國家民族的感情。 請按此觀看精華版短片。 《龍的故宮》 作曲:鄧力豪同學、陳家苗同學 學校:聖公會莫壽增會督中學 《龍的故宮》是一首笛子獨奏曲, …
ETV 教育電視:Animal Stories(Primary 4 ) 英文文科教育電視 - YouTube
2021年2月26日 · 教育電視ETV英文科:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2OZIhd_aQydjPQlByfLsrR-Iv6lG9AdK教育電視ETV 幼稚園: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list ...
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