Meade ETX125 Observer (ETX-125) telescope @ Meade …
This large 127mm aperture and 1900mm (f/15) focal length marry the portability of the ETX with Meade’s premium optics. The ETX125 Observer has a Maksutov-Cassegrain optical design for pinpoint star images and extraordinary contrast, making it a great deep-sky performer and ideal for detailed lunar and planetary observation.
Meade ETX 125 Observer Telescope - 205005 - Telescopes at …
This large 127mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope marries the portability of the ETX with Meade’s premium optics. Enjoy detailed close-up views of the Moon and planets, and be amazed by the stunning views of star clusters, nebulae, and more!
Meade ETX125-AT GoTo Telescope Review - Telescopic Watch
The ETX-125 is a little small in aperture for planetary imaging, but fantastic lunar and planetary images can be achieved with the scope and a high-speed CMOS planetary camera like the ZWO ASI224MC. At f/15, image scale is already decent enough, but a 2x Barlow lens to boost the scope to f/30 might be ideal for Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and small ...
Meade ETX 125 Telescope Review: Specs, Competitors, and Prices
A review of the Meade ETX 125 telescope. Pros and cons, unique specs, pricing, and similar competitors. What makes this Meade telescope better than his competition.
Discover the Universe: A Comprehensive Review of the Meade ETX 125 ...
In the world of telescopes, the Meade ETX 125 is a standout. Its advanced features, user-friendliness, and outstanding performance make it a favorite among stargazers. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into what makes this telescope a must-have for any astronomy enthusiast.
Review - Meade Instruments ETX-125 Observer Telescope
2017年5月24日 · The ETX-125 Observer telescope is essentially the same size as the original ETX-125 model from 1999. The only real difference that might matter to some users (i.e., for dew heaters, solar filters, etc.) is the slight difference in the OTA diameter. The ETX-125AT is 149mm in diameter and the ETX-125 Observer is 146mm. The ETX-125AT telescope ...
Meade ETX-125AT (f/15) Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope
2003年6月17日 · With height adjustable from 25 to 43 inches and elevation adjusts from 25 to 90 degrees, this tripod allows you the flexibility to use your telescope in either equatorial or alt-az configurations. The Deluxe Field Tripod comes complete with a padded carry bag to make getting to the perfect stargazing spot simple and easy. Looking for specific info?
- 评论数: 10
MEADE ETX125AT使用体会 - 器材发烧 - 天之星天文论坛 (大陆著名 …
2012年3月16日 · 总的来说,这etx-125携带还是比较方便,目视清晰,还经纬仪、赤道仪两用。 相对与它的价格还是很不错的,建议喜欢拍摄的同好可以考虑购买 。 回复
Meade ETX125 Observer Telescope Review - Backyard Stargazers
This is the largest and most focused of the ETX Observer line by Meade. Like the rest of the ETX telescopes, this one includes a dual view option so you and your camera can both look through the telescope at once making astrophotography easier to do than on single view telescopes. It is fully computerized with a 30,000 object database which ...
美国meade米德 ETX-125-AT 天文望远镜 高倍高清专业
对于初级观测者,ETX-125AT可能会满足所有的需要。 对于拥有大型望远镜高级的天文爱好者,它还是一个超轻便型的完美望远镜。 很长时间以来,严肃的天文爱好者都选择Meade ETX系列的马克斯托夫-卡塞格林式光学系统。 它在对比度、亮度和影像解析度上的表现都超过了口径更大的望远镜。 所有的ETX系列望远镜都采用了BK7玻璃和超大的Pyrex主镜玻璃。 整个光学系统都是在Meade位于加州的工厂生产的。 Meade的AutoStar控制器能够轻松帮您找出并指向天空中 …
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