7EUE 8rd API Thread 是什么意思 - 百度知道
其中EUE (External Upset End)表示外加厚端,EUP (External Upset Pin)表示外加厚公扣,EUB (External Upset Box)表示外加厚母扣。 7 EUE表示Coupling的长度 8RD 是连接参数,指的是螺纹每英寸8牙圆螺纹 API Thread表示API标准螺纹 应该是连接油管的吧! EU标识外加厚油管,每英寸8牙,标注在内孔上相当于接箍螺纹。 是美国API螺纹。 执行标准是API5B 5CT. 7EUE 8rd API Thread 是什么意思 ? EU扣是一种外加厚油管扣型。 在车间货架上认识变扣接头过程中还会发 …
8RD (STC, LTC, EUE, NUE) connections. This document is based on API RP 5C1 which is the main document applicable for this connection. References. API RP 5C1: Recommended Practice for care and use of .casing and tubing, latest edition. API 5A3: Recommended practice on thread compounds .for casing, tubing and line pipe.
2-3/8'' EUE 8RD - 3.063'' x 1.995'' An oilfield barrel equals 42 US gallons. Inspection Class: Fluid Capacity: Notes: -Tube / Pipe body properties are calculated based on uniform OD and wall thickness. 2,200. Remaining Body Wall: Tensile Strength: 1.0. FF. ft-lbs. Premium Class 80%.
2023年6月3日 · Tubing is manufactured to API 5CT 87-1/2% RBW and inspected to minimum Premium Class (80% RBW). Maximum make-up torque is that value above which there is no additional benefit, or reason to exceed. It is not meant to indicate the maximum torque the connection can withstand.
API 8-rd Connections
2020年4月28日 · The most common type of casing connection in use is the API 8-rd connection, where 8-rd means 8-round or eight threads per inch and a slightly rounded profile. The profile is a V or wedge-shape but slightly rounded at the crest and valleys of the threads. There is also an API 11.-V thread, which has 11. threads per inch and a sharp V profile.
eue螺纹的标准及参数? - 百度知道
2011年7月16日 · EUE是API 5CT中加厚油管螺纹,一般每英寸是8牙,1.9寸以内的是每英寸10牙,锥度为0.0625in/in,
EUE Tubing Torque Table - Engineers Edge
Recommended Torque Table for UEU Tubing. API EUE = External Upset End tubing connections. The EUE joint has a designed joint strength in tension and pressure strength greater than that of the pipe body and, therefore, is considered a 100% joint efficient connection.
2-3/8"-8 RD-EUE/NUE Pipe Thread? Anyone? - Engineers Edge
2015年6月4日 · EUE = External Upset Ends, forging of ends on (API) tubing and drill pipe to provide additional thickness for strengthening connections. The EUE refers to a casing or tubing connection in which the inside diameter remains constant, but the outside diameter is enlarged to accommodate the threaded connection.
• API 5B EUE or OD 8rd or 10rd threaded connections • Multiple sizes to match all of the manufactured pipe sizes and pressure classes • Mill tested to 1.25 times Design Pressure Rating
2-3/8” 4.70# EUE Grade N-80 (8RD) R2 - Saltire Energy
Connection Type: EUE(8 RD) Connection OD: 3.063” Connection ID: 1.995” Drift: 1.901” Maximum MUT: 2,250 ft-lbs; Minimum MUT: 1,350 ft-lbs