• RGA outgassing measurement has been characterized; it was found that reported values can depend on – the time dependent RGA sampling plan with respect to resist exposure (amount of post-exposure outgassing); – the used test gas in RGA calibration and whether a correction is applied based on species identification;
Measurement and analysis of EUV photoresist related outgassing …
2009年3月1日 · RGA is based on in situ mass spectrometer measurements during photoresist EUV exposure and enables chemical identification of species that are outgassing, but has limited information on the...
Parameter control: EUV sensors that detect every pulse, real time RGA to monitor the gas environment. Sample backside temperature can be controlled over a range from -20°C to 150°C. Surface analysis: Real-time in-situ imaging ellipsometry to monitor sample status, and the XPS is capable of analyzing exposed samples without breaking vacuum.
From the RGA spectrum of resist 1 some species can be identified, e.g. species related to PAG (Photo acid generator) or PG (protection groups). The contribution of the identified species PAG1, PAG2, and PG1, are compared towards the total outgassing.
We have successfully developed the first commercial EUV Resist Outgassing and Reticle Contamination Tool to evaluate the candidate EUV resists for the ADT where 13.5 nm light is collected and deliver 60 mW/cm*2 to a small spot on a …
The suppression of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) resist outgassing is one of the challenges in high-volume manufacturing with EUV lithography (EUVL), because it contributes to the contamination of the EUV scanner mirror optics, resulting in reflectivity loss.
Increased data: EBL2 will have real-time in-situ ellipsometry to monitor sample status, a real time RGA to monitor the gas environment, and EUV sensors that detect every pulse. EBL2 will be accessible to third parties. EBL2 samples can be either EUV masks or smaller samples. EUV masks are accepted in a standard dual.
半导体RGA与O2漏气即时监测系统-楷奈基贸易 (上海)有限公司
以独特的RGA残留气体分析系统与O2漏气侦测系统,为半导体工艺设备提供可靠的在线工艺检测解决方案。 使用CyberOptics AGS提高一致性和工艺良率,以实现精确和可重复的设置。 对于薄膜沉积、溅射和蚀刻等半导体工艺,在真空下快速进行非接触间隙测量和平行度调整,提高了一致性、机台使用率和重复性,型号包括AGS200和AGS300. CyberOptics ALS通过测量倾斜、角度、上升角度和垂直倾斜来设置正确倾斜度。 快速准确地在机台之间设置相同的级别,以获得更好 …
OmniGrade 残余气体(RGA) 分析系统 | 普发 Pfeiffer
OmniGrade 残余气体(RGA) 分析系统 产品优势: 1. 使用模块化系统根据您的需求定制执行. 2. 检测限低. 3. 全自动测量过程. 4. 全球服务网络. 5. 根据 GSA 07 1221 和 GSA 07 2221 进行测试. OmniGrade 残余气体(RGA) 分析系统 技术参数: 技术参数:
2019年4月3日 · To study temperature-dependent outgassing phenomena, we investigate the surface chemistry of a model photoresist formulation containing poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and the photosensitizer Irgacure 907 (IG907) under thermal vacuum conditions. PMMA is a commonly used model photoresist for DUV and EUV lithography.