The manufacturer shall install SOCR and SOCE monitors that operate during the life of the vehicle. The SOCR monitor shall maintain an estimate of the state of certified range (on-board …
The OEM shall install SOCR/SOCE monitors that represents estimated state of electric range and battery energy at all times during the life of the vehicle. The SOCR/SOCE monitors shall …
2022年11月15日 · SOCR和SOCE的数值分别为具有一定行驶累积里程车辆的续驶里程测量值除以续驶里程认证值,以及可用电池能量测量值除以可用电池能量认证值,以百分比表示。
GTR No.22 バッテリー耐久試験要件とは | 自動車開発を支える …
In-vehicle Battery Durabilityとは、車載したバッテリーに対する耐久要件のことで、今後の自動車環境規制である、EUのEuro 7 *1 や米国Tier 4 *2 にて、導入されることが決定しています。 …
"State of certified energy" (SOCE) means the measured or estimated UBE performance at a specific point in its lifetime, expressed as a percentage of the certified usable battery energy.
PART A: Verification of SOCR/SOCE monitors and battery energy shall be measured at the time of the verification and the related values from the monitors re The SOCRmeasured monitor …
SOCE, formerly referred to as SOH (or state of health), indicates the remaining certified usable battery energy-storage capacity. UN-ECE GTR EVE 22 gives a harmonized, reliable definition …
"State of certified energy" (SOCE) is the on-board estimated UBE performance at a specific point in its lifetime, expressed as a percentage of the certified usable battery energy.
The expected SOHC of most batteries is 70% when they reach 8 years or 160,000km, which is different from the SOCE requirement. In general, SOCE is lower than SOHC.
Design of peer-to-peer energy trading in transactive energy …
2022年6月1日 · This paper presents an optimal machine learning based SOC estimation (OML-SOCE) model for HEVs for estimating an accurate capacity of SOC of Li-ion batteries on …