We specialize in the design and development of on-board power supplies for new energy vehicles. As a national high-tech enterprise, EVTECH has around 1,400 employees.
浅谈电动汽车车载充电机(OBC) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年3月4日 · 车载充电机 (On-Board Charger,简称OBC)是一种将交流电源转换成直流电源的设备。 它将充电站的交流电压转换成电池所需的直流电压。 OBC 被安装在电动汽车(EV)和插电式混合动力电动汽车(PHEV)中。 它利用来自住宅或公共充电站的交流电为这些车辆充电。 OBC 的输出功率主要在 3.6 千瓦至 22 千瓦之间。 车载充电机的另外一个优势在于可以利用家中的电源插座为电动汽车充电。 车载充电器主要有两种类型:单相和三相。 标准单相车载充电器的容 …
EVTECH Positive on Next-Gen GaN Semiconductor for EV - Navitas
Navitas Semiconductor, the industry-leader in GaN power ICs, announce EVTECH’s commitment to new GaN power ICs for next-generation fast chargers. EVTECH are a leading supplier of automotive on-board chargers (OBC) and higher power off-board chargers, with customers including Volkswagen, NIO, GAC, Great Wall Motors, Renault-Nissan, SAIC and Xpeng.
Top 10 EV OBC(On-board Charger) Manufacturers in China
2024年2月27日 · As a power electronics device in electric vehicles, OBC converts AC power from external sources to DC power to charge for the EV’s battery pack. What is the benefit of onboard charger? Onboard chargers have several advantages, including convenience, portability, efficient charging, and built-in safety features.
16 小时之前 · 文章浏览阅读356次,点赞9次,收藏6次。在电动汽车(ev)领域,obc设计的一个关键目标是提升功率密度,因为更轻的产品会给汽车减重从而有利于增加续航里程。从增加续航的角度来说:效率是实现这一目标的一个方面,这点sic相对于si来说,当然更有优势;另一方面,器件封装和散热设计也助力 ...
OBC in EVs: Functional Overview - EV Charging Explained
2024年12月26日 · The OBC in an EV is a fundamental system that bridges the gap between external power sources and the EV’s battery. Its primary purpose is to convert AC power from the grid into DC power suitable for battery charging.
EV Power Electronics (On-Board Charger) - Panasonic
With the expanding popularity of Electric Vehicles (EVs), On-Board Chargers (OBCs) have become the standard and are an important system that reduces power consumption, and especially CO 2 emissions, during charging.
新能源汽车车载充电机(OBC)全面解析:从原理到应用,一文学懂OBC …
2025年1月13日 · 电动汽车车载充电机是采用高频开关电源技术,主要功能是将交流220V转换为高压直流电给动力电池进行充电,保证车辆正常行驶。 同时车载充电机提供相应的保护功能,包括过压、欠压、过流、欠流等多种保护措施,当充电系统出现异常会及时切断供电。 车载充电机内部可分为3部分:主回路、控制电路、线束及标准件. 转化原理: 220Vac经过EMI滤波电路滤波,通过一次AC-DC转换器整流,将AC整流为DC,后经PFC功率因数校准电路进行升压,再送往开关和 …
EVTECH Positive on Next-Gen GaN Semiconductor for EV to …
EVTECH is working with Navitas on ways to develop new OBC and DC/DC technology platforms. In a powerful testimonial video, Jack (Dinggang) PING (平定钢), EVTECH’s VP for research and development, highlights how Navitas’ GaNFast power ICs, with integrated GaN FET, GaN drive plus control and protection functions improve reliability and ...
EV OBC development with SiC - Power Electronics News
2022年12月2日 · The onboard charger (OBC) within the EV plays the crucial role of converting input AC voltage that comes from the grid to a DC voltage that charges the battery within the vehicle. In this article, we will summarize a presentation by Kevin Lenz, Marketing Manager at Rohm Semiconductor on their silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET devices, and the ...