EXDVR - 聯順聯網股份有限公司 - UOI
關於聯順; 最新消息; 所有產品. uoi系列產品. 監控攝影機; ex2-dvr; ex2 捲門控制器; 直錄播系統; vivotek系列產品. ipcam; poe 網路交換器
UOI系列產品 | 監控攝影機、數位防盜錄影主機、EX2-DVR、捲門 …
聯順聯網uoi系列產品 各項 監視設備,除了hdcvi、ipc、數位防盜監控錄影主機、ex2-dvr、捲門控制器、直錄播等監控設備、還有車牌辨識、防爆不鏽鋼防護罩等各式 監視器 設備,多項監控產品。
【视诺祺】EX-SDI、HD-SDI系列摄像机,高清、智能监控全新升 …
依托于韩国最新的 视频监控技术 ,深圳市视诺祺电子科技有限公司推出了新的hd-sdi、ex-sdi系列高清摄像机产品。 其EX-SDI产品实时高清传输距离更远,图像画质优势更显著,充分满足了市场对实时高清监控的需求。
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WAPA 高清视频监控系统
提供的声音输出接线端子和一个耳机/音箱插孔,可直接接驳dvr、有源音箱、耳机等 多种音频设备。 采用优质的变压器及滤波电容,能提供比市售廉价电源更为清洁的电源电流 和更标准
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步驟1: 用同軸電纜連接攝影機和dvr。 步驟2: 在dvr背板找到rs485-a及rs485-b連接埠,再按攝影機使用手冊指示連接至dvr。將攝影機上電。 步驟3: 在dvr中,按滑鼠右鍵叫出主選單,前往【攝影機選單】 【裝置】,進行設定。 a) 裝置 選【ptz】。
This product is a new generation of high-definition digital hybrid DVR products, can access any SDI-EX, SDI-HD, network signals, can disable any channel SDI channel, converted to IP channel, both DVR and NVR dual functions. With local preview, video multi-screen split display, video files,
Magic QX Series | 4CH Octa-brid DVR System, H.265, 4K Output, 2 HDD slots, eSATA, 5MP TVI/4MP EX-SDI Support, 4CH Audio, TDM Support
4 CH EX-SDI 2.0 DVR - Clinton Electronics
The go-to DVR for dealers and integrators who demand increased performance, unrivaled flexibility, and HD image quality. The EX Series features EX-SDI 2.0 technology which allows you to capture full HD 1080p video over standard RG59 coax cable and can be configured with wide array of hard drive options for increased video storage time.
EX-SDI DVR | EX-SDI Security Recorders - Custom Video Security
EX-SDI DVRs are backward-compatible with HD-SDI cameras, and may have the potential of supporting future 4K (8MP) EX-SDI cameras, depending on the DVR's specifications. Unlike HD-SDI cameras, EX-SDI cameras can use EX-SDI baluns to utilize Cat5 or Cat6 UTP network cable instead of Coax.
UVST-MAGIC-QL16 | 16CH EX-SDI Hybrid Magic Lite DVR
UVST-MAGIC-QL16 A great Ex-SDI DVR Supports EX-SDI 1080p & HD-SDI, IP and 960H Analog cameras. Records up to 4 IP cameras @ REAL-TIME Live, 1080p@ Pentaplex Recording • iPhone Android App Available (MAGIC VIEWER). • Mac CMS application • POS Interface ready • Free DDNS Support • 2 SATA (up to 12TB; 6TB EA.)