Sony PMW-EX1 XDCAM Camcorder Review - Videomaker
All professional cameras have a focus ring with hard stops and a distance readout that lets you know where the focal plane of the lens is directly, but they lack autofocus capability. The EX1 splits the difference with its novel focus ring.
Sony PMW-EX1 Professional Camcorder + Accessories [Camera]
2008年5月20日 · Superb camera for it's price point (under 10k). Nothing in it's comparable market comes close to this camera. Great build quality, 3x half-inch sensors, superb image - handles blacks really well, and very well designed. Perfect 2nd camera for larger productions or 1st camera for lower budget docs.
- 评论数: 5
F1.8大光圈 Samsung EX1 完全評測 - Hot3C
2010年9月24日 · Samsung EX1 便是結合了各種專業功能,除了大光圈外,24mm 超廣角、P/A/S/M 各種拍攝模式、RAW 拍攝記錄、1/1.7" 大型CCD感光元件、熱靴閃燈支援、兩組雙轉盤操控等等令人驚艷的功能都是賣點的保證。 此外,可翻轉的 AMOLED LCD螢幕也是大部分 DSLR 所無法提供的效用。 EX1 全黑金屬機身相當具有質感,把手附近的加厚蒙皮設計也讓握持更加穩健,可注意到把手上方的指令轉盤,可在手動模式時快速變換快門值設定 (光圈則由機身背面的 …
Sony Sony PMW-EX1R XDCAM EX Full HD Camcorder without SxS …
2010年4月26日 · This pre-owned Sony PMW-EX1R Camcorder is in Excellent Condition. Hour Meter: 23 H. The item includes a 3-Day Inspection Period and 30-Day Warranty. All other components have been tested and are in working order. …
- 评论数: 5
【三星EX1】报价_参数_图片_论坛_(Samsung)三星 TL500报价-ZOL …
Samsung EX1 - Wikipedia
Samsung EX1 (known as Samsung TL500 in US) is an enthusiast digital compact camera with a f/ 1.8–2.4 wide angle 3× (5.2–15.6 mm, resp. 24–72 mm of 35 mm equivalent focal length), image stabilized zoom lens.
Samsung EX1 Review - Photography Blog
2010年7月1日 · Expert review of the Samsung EX1 camera with sample photos, test shots, videos and more...
三星EX1评测 - xitek.com
EX1采用了一块有效像素为1000万的1/1.7英寸CCD传感器,结合DRIMeIII影像处理器,感光度最高达到ISO3200。 搭载了3倍光学变焦,F1.8超大光圈的施奈德镜头,等效135焦距为24-72mm。 机身背面配置了61.4万像素3.0英寸可翻转AMOLED液晶屏幕。 ...(详细内容) 最近EX1已经到站,在常规评测前,正好有机会去了一趟哈尔滨,在著名的索菲亚教堂周围完成了一次简单的试拍,究竟画质如何,让照片来告诉你。 (详细) 上半年三星发布了专业小DC——三星EX1。 这 …
Samsung TL500/EX1 Review - Digital Photography Review
2010年7月9日 · What’s the best camera for around $2000? This price point gives you access to some of the most all-round capable cameras available. Excellent image quality, powerful autofocus and great looking video are the least you can expect. We've picked the …
Sony PMW-EX1 Camera Review - VideoUniversity
2011年2月11日 · The EX1 is an expensive camera for event filming, but when you compare the specs of this camera to those of an XDCam camera, the price is justified and the choice is a no brainer. As the use of DSLR’s has become more prevalent we have started to mix footage of our EX1’s with Canon DSLR’s.
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