• Two distinct HDX regimes (EX1 and EX2) are commonly identified depending on the rates of protein refolding (k cl) and intrinsic exchange (k int) • HDX under native conditions almost …
A subset of HDX reactions can exhibit EX1 kinetics. EX1 kinetics occur when . This can be envisioned as a larger scale unfolding event, for instance a large conformational change, when …
Estimating Constraints for Protection Factors from HDX-MS Data
2019年4月2日 · Two limiting regimes, usually referred to as EX1 and EX2, are invoked in interpreting HDX kinetics of proteins. For both regimes, the protein is considered to be in …
Identification and Characterization of EX1 Kinetics in H/D …
2006年11月1日 · Proteins that undergo cooperative unfolding events display EX1 kinetic signatures in hydrogen exchange mass spectra. The hallmark bimodal isotope pattern …
Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry: A Novel …
Hydrogen/Deuterium eXchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a rapidly evolving technique for analyzing structural features and dynamic properties of proteins. It may stand alone or serve …
HDX-MS: An Analytical Tool to Capture Protein Motion in Action
HDX-MS has been extensively used to characterize G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and the bound state component. GPCRs are involved in cell signal transduction and is an …
Protein dynamics and conformational changes explored by …
2019年7月25日 · EX1 kinetics occurs when interconversion between folded and unfolded states is slower than the timescale of the HDX experiments, giving rise to a bimodal distribution of m/z …
EX1 and EX2 kinetics as observed in the time series of an HDX-MS ...
Hydrogen/Deuterium eXchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a rapidly evolving technique for analyzing structural features and dynamic properties of proteins. It may stand...
(PDF) Fundamentals of HDX-MS - ResearchGate
2022年10月17日 · Hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) is becoming part of the standard repertoire of techniques used by molecular biologists to investigate protein …
氢氘交换质谱HDX MS - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
氢氘交换质谱(hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, HDX MS)是一项研究蛋白质空间构象的质谱技术。 这项技术的主要原理是将蛋白质置于重水溶液中,蛋白质表面的氢原 …