Music Converter | Convert audio files with Professional Quality
EZ CD Audio Converter is a music converter software designed for the highest quality audio format conversions. Easy to use, the most comprehensive audio file format converter trusted by home users, audio enthusiasts, professionals, studios and radio stations worldwide.
EZ CD Audio Converter Free - Free download and install on …
Convert freely between any audio format. No matter if you want to do FLAC to MP3, M4A to MP3, WAV to FLAC, WAV to MP3, or any other music conversion, Free Audio Converter supports all combinations of audio file formats. The integrated CD ripper converts audio CDs to audio files.
EZ Audio Editor, audio recorder and audio converter - best …
EZ Audio Recorder can record streaming, Mic input, Line-in input, Quick Time, Real Player, Flash, games, as well as CDs and DVDs. Recorded sound can be saved in wav-file, mp3, OGG or WMA. The Build-in Audio Editor can edit audio files as you desired by cutting, copying, pasting, trimming and applying various effects.
EzAudio - 腾讯联合约翰霍普金斯大学推出的文本到音频生成模型
EzAudio是由约翰霍普金斯大学和腾讯AI实验室共同推出的一款文本到音频(Text-to-Audio, T2A)生成模型。 基于一种高效的扩散变换器技术,用在从文本提示生成高质量的音频效果。
EZ CD Audio Converter【音频处理和转换】支持超过50种音频格 …
2025年1月19日 · EZ CD Audio Converter是一款功能强大的音频处理软件,它集成了多种音频处理功能,包括CD翻录、音频转换、元数据编辑和光盘刻录等。 音频转换:支持超过50种音频文件格式的转换,包括FLAC、MP3、AAC、HE-AAC (v2)、xHE-AAC、M4A、Opus、DSD、WAV、AIFF、Vorbis和Apple Lossless [ALAC]等。 CD翻录:能够以高质量从音频CD中提取音轨,支持多种输出格式,如FLAC、MP3、AAC、M4A、WAV、Apple Lossless、Opus、DSD、ALAC …
EZ Audio Editor Pro - Audio Editor, Mp3 Editor and Music Editor
EZ Audio Editor Pro is an ideal solution for audio editing and mastering. The program contains everything you need to create great sounding recordings and audio CDs, including professional tools for recording, analysis and editing.
EZ Audio Editor - Audio Editor, Mp3 Editor and Music Editor
EZ Audio Editor is a visual multifunction digital audio editing software for Windows. With the new generation audio music editing software, you'll get more compressed music from your audio CDs or tapes, save more hard disk space, create more personal music and share them with friends.
腾讯出品!AI音频模型 EzAudio AI,让文本秒变逼真声音
近日,约翰霍普金斯大学与腾讯 AI 实验室联合推出了一款名为 EzAudio 的新型文本到音频生成模型。 这项技术承诺以空前的效率和高品质文本转换为声音,标志着人工智能和音频技术的重大飞跃。 EzAudio 的工作原理是利用音频波形的潜在空间,而不是传统的声谱图,这一创新让它能够在高时间分辨率下工作,且无需额外的神经声码器。 EzAudio 的架构被称为 EzAudio-DiT(扩散变换器),采用了多项技术创新来提高性能和效率。 其中包括一种新的自适应层归一化技术 AdaLN …
GitHub - syedhali/EZAudio: An iOS and macOS audio …
Shows how to use the EZMicrophone, EZRecorder, and EZAudioPlotGL to record the audio from the microphone input to a file while displaying the audio waveform of the incoming data. You can then playback the newly recorded audio file using AVFoundation and keep adding more audio data to the tail of the file. EZAudioWaveformFromFileExample
【AI音频】超强AI音频,EzAudio,超详细本地安装教程! 一键生 …
详细介绍了AI音频项目EzAudio的本地安装、使用。 ————本地安装指令———— 安装指令地址:https://github.com/WalkingwithAI/AI_Project/blob/main/AIAudio_Ezaudio_Tutorial.md …