Is EZ Toxic? : r/GearsOfWar - Reddit
2020年9月11日 · If they aren't saying "EZ" they'll just find something else today. I actaully think people sounds like idiots most of the time when they say it though It's typically the guy in last place on the winning team about a 7-6 struggle. haha
Is "GG EZ" considered toxic? - MMO-Champion
2017年10月16日 · It's been awhile since following the Overwatch forum, but is saying "GG EZ" in match chat after a win considered toxic in the community? I know at one point it was frowned upon, but I don't think people went as far as saying it was toxic behavior. Its just expressing good game, easy, like the match was easy. Every time someone says that to my team after we lose, i just say gg back and thats it ...
Saying GG EZ at the end of a game is still toxic, even if you
the phrase gg ez itself is not toxic but rather how it is used. If its hard for the other players to tell its a joke and might be taken seriously then its probaly going to be toxic. If you make it obivious you are joking though then by all means keep saying it cause there is nothing toxic about making a joke when everyone understands you aren't ...
Is saying "ez" toxic : r/gaming - Reddit
2021年8月22日 · If you say ez after a match is that toxic and disrespectful? In my opinion it is but I want to hear other peoples thoughts. Edit: To be clear the scenario I was thinking about was pvp where the enemy team can see the message no matter if the match was easy or not.
why do so many people say ez after a match ends : r/VALORANT
I guess it depends on context. Is it toxic to drop an EZ on a loss? Nah. Is it toxic to drop an EZ on a comeback win when the other team was BMing? Nah. Is it toxic to make a new account, BM, stomp new players and drop an GG ez noobs? Probably.
Saying ' ez ' : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
That would never happen of course, but I'm a bit surprised riots stance on it is so lax. It's purpose is to provoke and tilt players, tilted players become more toxic so you can basically say that the gg ez thingy is breeding grounds for further toxicity, which riot is working really really hard to reduce.
Do you Consider "ggez" "ez" or any variation of that toxic and
2022年12月6日 · I don't think toxic is the right word to use here. IMO, in most cases, "GG EZ" is most commonly used to piss the other team off, and I would put that in a subcategory of bad gamesmanship/manners etc. You could classify that as toxic behavior, but it …
Why is "GG EZ" considered toxic behaviour? - MMO-Champion
2017年3月3日 · I was talking with some friends in Discord, and we often mock people who are afraid of the phrase "GG EZ" when you get killed by enemy in-game, or when one team wins and that line is uttered. I searched on Google two different keyword-combinations to try to find people like me who honestly don't care, and even find it an appropriate thing to say. Most of the threads are people who consider ...
Players of reddit; when and why do you say “ez” or “ggez” in chat?
I think its mostly the younger players that do. There was a period of time, maybe it was around S4-5, where 'ez' was a bannable offense. I reported people regularly for using it, and a bunch of people i know and have spoken to did the same. It seems super toxic and bm to me.
It's not toxic to type 'ez' in chat, but toxic people do it.
2020年4月25日 · If saying ‘ez’ in lane is toxic, then other things such as ‘lol’ or ‘gg’(saying it early on) it any other micro comment should be considered toxicity. I just simply don’t give a shit if my opponent says ‘lol’ or ‘ez’ in lane. It’s them a acknowledging did something stupid, or vice verse. Toxic? Hell no. Annoying? Yep.