Heavy crude oil - Wikipedia
Heavy crude oil (or extra heavy crude oil) is highly viscous oil that cannot easily flow from production wells under normal reservoir conditions. [1] It is referred to as "heavy" because its density or specific gravity is higher than that of light crude oil.
Advancement in heavy oil upgrading and sustainable
2024年3月1日 · Upgrading heavy oil is a subject of high importance for fossil fuel industry due to the rapid depletion of light oil reservoirs and the consequent increased demand for upgrading heavy oil.
Advances of emulsification during the lifetime development of heavy oil …
Emulsifications are associated with the reservoir formation and lifetime development due to the characteristics of heavy oil and influence of injected fluid. The types of formed emulsions (W/O, O/W, or W/O/W) are also change as time goes.
Characterization of chemical composition of high viscosity heavy …
2024年10月1日 · In this study, the techniques of high-temperature gas chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry equipped with an electrospray ionization source were applied to reveal the chemical composition of typical heavy oils from western, central, and eastern China.
Heavy oils are viscous fluid having three phases: fluid, quasi-solid and glass solid depended on temperature. We have measured ultrasonic velocities on 10 heavy oil samples at different phases. Measured data suggest that heavy oil properties are similar to the light oil properties if temperatures are higher than the liquid point.
Aegean Oil - Wikipedia
Aegean Oil S.A. (Greek: ΑΙΓΑΙΟΝ ΟΙΛ A.E.) is a Greek oil company owned by the Melissanidis family. It was an affiliated company of Aegean Marine Petroleum Network Inc. (AMPNI). Aegean Oil began its activities in the retail market in the early 2000 and became known for a network of gas stations opened throughout Greece.
Development technology and direction of thermal recovery of heavy oil …
This paper summarizes the status quo of heavy oil development technology at home and abroad, and elaborates the main mechanism, applicable conditions, application examples, current problems and development direction of steam huff and puff, steam flooding, steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), in situ combustion and thermal composite development.
Prediction of Heavy Oil Production Based on Geomechanical …
2024年12月17日 · By comparing with traditional heavy oil production prediction model, this paper quantitatively describes the influence of geomechanical effects such as reservoir deformation and permeability evolution on heavy oil production and compares and analyzes the sensitivity of geomechanical parameters of heavy oil production in typical SAGD block in ...
the technology and practical application examples of heavy oil exploitation in China over the years, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various heavy oil mining technologies, and put forward some suggestions for the development status of China [1].
The United States produces lighter crude oil, imports heavier crude oil …
2022年10月11日 · In the first half of 2022, U.S. crude oil production averaged 11.1 million barrels per day (b/d), up from an annual average of 10.8 million b/d in 2021. Crude oil with a higher API gravity is lighter, or less dense.