MG 42 - Wikipedia
The MG 42 (shortened from German: Maschinengewehr 42, or "machine gun 42") is a German recoil-operated air-cooled general-purpose machine gun used extensively by the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS during the second half of World War II.
MG42通用機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MG42 (Maschinengewehr 42 的縮寫,意即為「1942年型機槍」)為 納粹 德國 研發,於1942年服役的一款机枪。 该机枪依照 7.92毫米子彈 作為開發依據,本來準備取代 MG34通用機槍,不過最後兩款機槍一起沿用到 第二次世界大戰 結束。
MG-42通用机枪(英文:MG-42 General-purpose machine gun [4],德文:Maschinengewehr 42 [4]),是德国在第二次世界大战期间研制列装的机枪。 MG-42通用机枪为7.92毫米口径,发射7.92×57毫米 毛瑟步枪 弹,全枪长度1219毫米、枪管长度533毫米、空枪含两脚架重11.6千克、供弹方式为50发或300发弹链、理论射速1200~1500发/分钟、枪口初速755米/秒、有效射程800~1000米。 [4] MG-42通用机枪为1937年开始设计试制,于1942年德军开始在作战中使用 …
MG42通用机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
MG42 (Maschinengewehr 42 的缩写,意即为“1942年型机枪”)为 纳粹 德国 研发,于1942年服役的一款机枪。 该机枪依照 7.92毫米子弹 作为开发依据,本来准备取代 MG34通用机枪,不过最后两款机枪一起沿用到 第二次世界大战 结束。
1942 MG42 in Depth - 1919 A4 Forums
2024年3月31日 · Most people who restore WW2 MG42s don't realize that the kit they have is not how the gun was originally issued. This is particularly true of one is fortunate enough to get a 1942 or early 1943 kit. Unlike the MG34, the MG42 was actually in …
Rare MG42 (pre-adoption 1942) Maget (swd) 1945 (NC) s/n 32xx
Early MG42 (pre-adoption) manufactured in 1942 with a 1945 release date, i.e. the first MG42s were assembled by Maget, a Rheinmetall subsidiary (see parts markings below).
"Hitler's Buzz Saw:" Wartime Assessments Of The German MG42 …
2025年2月6日 · For American combat troops, the MG42 was a deadly problem, from their first encounters with the gun in Tunisia to the last day of the war in Europe. While its predecessor, the MG34, cycled fast...
轻机枪组由3人组成,观察员、射手和装填手,使用易于迅速转移的两脚架MG42,携带不多,一般随班作战。 针对34型机枪(MG34)在生产过程中出现的零部件过多、结构复杂难于适应快速生产以及维护费时问题,1938年,德国开始研制一种结构简单、易于制造保养、射速极高的新型机枪。 1942年年中开始,这种新型机枪开始装备所有的一线部队,称为42型机枪(以下统称MG42)。 由于该机枪采用冲压钢件制造、结构简单,适于大量快速生产;射速极高,具有极佳的火力*能 …
MG34 and MG42: first and last - 1919 A4 Forums
2024年3月17日 · When you think about it, there shouldn't be that many 1942 dated MG42 receivers still floating around. First, it was the first year of production and not everyone was producing them yet.
TELLING THE MG42 - MG1 - MG2 - MG3 APART. - www.MG42.us
2011年3月29日 · MG 42 used by the new Bundeswehr from 57 into early 60s. MG 42/59 was the reverse engineered MG 42 - in 8MM - put into service in very late 59 to replace aging MG 42s. The MG 42/59s were later converted to 7.62 x 51 NATO before being phased out and are then designated, MG 3 which is an improved MG 2 . The most notable difference is the flash hider.
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