管理学60个理论之情绪即社会信息理论(emotion as social …
情绪即社会信息模型扩展了情绪的社会功能论, 区分了情绪发挥社会影响功能的两条途径: 情绪反应路径 与 认知推断路径,并引入 社会情境变量 与 个体信息加工深度变量 作为调节变量,分析个体对他人情绪信息感知程度的边界条件。 情绪反应路径: 情感反应路径通常受到 情绪传染 的影响,当个体面对他人的非语言情绪表达时,倾向于采用同样的方式模仿并产生与他人一致的情绪状态。 认知推断路径: 个体可通过观察他人的情绪表达获取相关信息并进行相关决策。 情绪能够向 …
How Emotions Regulate Social Life: The Emotions as Social Information ...
2009年6月1日 · To address this question, I draw on research on the interpersonal effects of emotions on behavior in personal relationships, parent–child interactions, conflict, negotiation, and leadership, and propose a new framework that can account for existing findings and guide future research: the emotions as social information (EASI) model.
An Interpersonal Approach to Emotion in Social Decision …
2010年1月1日 · The EASI model provides a framework for understanding the effects of an interdependent other's emotional expressions on a decision maker's tendency to move toward, away from, or against that other.
情绪社会信息模型:情绪人际效应的新理论-【维普期刊官网】- 中文 …
摘要 情绪社会信息模型(Emotions as Social Information Model,EASI)是从情绪社会功能研究取向发展而来,它扩展了传统的情绪个人效应研究,构建了一个统一的情绪社会功能研究框架。EASI模型以...
情绪即社会信息模型述评 - bnu.edu.cn
摘要: 情绪即社会信息 (EASI)模型提出,个体对他人的情绪信息加工具有两种方式:情感反应与推断加工。 认识动机水平及不同的社会情境会影响两种加工的强度,进而影响个体的决策。 该模型在谈判、领导者和最后通牒、独裁者博弈研究中获得了直接和间接的实证支持。 心理理论与移情的新近神经生理研究成果也有助于深入探索该模型的神经生理基础。...
情绪即社会信息模型述评-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服务平台
Emotion As Social Information (EASI) Model proposes that there are two processing ways when we are processing the information from others' emotional expressions. The strength of two processing ways will be affected by epistemic motivation levels and social settings type...
Van Kleef's (2009) Emotions As Social Information (EASI) Model…
... from a social-functional approach to emotions, Van Kleef (2009) introduced the Emotions As Social Information (EASI) model, whereby the emotions (and by implication, the behaviours) of a...
2018年6月8日 · 新近研究为easi模型提供了证据,证明了easi模型在某些情境中可以有效预测情绪对人际效应的作用。 未来的研究还需深入探讨东方文化对情绪推理内容形成的影响机制、混合、模糊以及动态情绪的系统研究、EASI模型在不同社会情境下的适用性以及情绪人际效应和 ...
The EASI model contributes to the literature in several ways. First, it provides a framework for understanding the interper-sonal effects of emotions. As such, it complements existing models that attempt to explain the intrapersonal effects of emotions (e.g., Forgas, 1995; Schwarz & …
A Review of the Emotion As Social Information Model
Abstract: Emotion As Social Information (EASI) Model proposes that there are two processing ways when we are processing the information from others' emotional expressions. The...
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