Home - Easi Dec
Easi-Dec produces a range of products for roof line or low level access designed to deliver safe rapid access solutions for on-site working.
Easi-Dec - Mobile work access platforms - Kee Safety
Easi-Dec mobile access work platform is the ideal choice for contractors and installers working up to roofline level. Designed with portability and ease of use in mind, Easi-Dec can be erected in under ten minutes. The platform is built on the ground, then …
Easi-Dec Safe Work Platform - Portable Aerial Work Stand
Easi-Dec is the perfect system for hoisting windows and working safely from the outside during installation. Since no welding is involved, Safe Access Platforms can be designed, built, and implemented faster than welded solutions. A customized platform can arrive at your facility in nearly half the time as a fabricated platform.
Easi Dec base system - Ladder Safety Company
Easi-Dec is referred to as our “base system”. This safe access work platform is an outstanding alternative to traditional scaffolding given its portability, speed of assembly and designed-in safety features.
Roof Walk for Fragile Roof - Easi Dec
Rolling roof walkway, perfect for working safely across fragile roofs. The Roof-Walk system is a fully-guarded rolling platform which allows you to easily work across the roof, even up to pitches of 30 degrees.
The Easi-Dec Platform & Roofline System has been specifically designed for the housing maintenance industry for rapid access to roofline level, whilst spanning building obstructions such as porches and windows. The Modular design of Easi-Dec and its accessories enable it to be used independently, or to form the basis of the Roofline System.
The original Easi-Dec platform provides safe, rapid access to roofline level, whilst spanning building obstructions such as porches and windows. Designed for smaller jobs, the 2m wide Easi-Dec allows access to the wall, second floor window or soffits and gutters for maintenance and repair work. The platform
Easi Dec Access Platforms - Ladderstore UK
Easi-Dec produces a range of products for roofline or low-level access designed to deliver safe rapid access solutions for on-site working. Easi dec systems are an alternative to scaffolding.
伸縮性足場 Easi-Dec - モバイルプラットフォーム | ティー・アイ …
Easi-Dec は、独立して調整可能な伸縮脚を備え、最大 22 フィートまで高さを調整できます。 システムを持ち上げた後は、分解することなく、現場の別の作業エリアに簡単に「持ち上げて移動」できます。
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The original Easi-Dec platform provides safe, rapid access to roofline level, whilst spanning building obstructions such as porches and bay windows. Easi-Dec is designed for the smaller jobs, giving access to the wall, second floor windows or sofits and …