How to mark guns for quick ID (non-permanent)? | The High Road
2018年4月25日 · - Is easy to spot, but doesn't ruin the look of the guns any more than necessary. - Doesn't interfere in any way with function or gun handling/holstering (no dangling tags, etc.). - Can be used on guns made predominantly of polymer, …
.17 HMR sight in issues, need advice | The High Road
2017年5月13日 · My truck gun for ground squirrels is a New England Firearms single shot with a Leupold 3.5x10. Checked it out yesterday after missing some easy shots. Over a solid rest, it's right on at 25 yards, but about an inch low at 12 yards with Hornaday 17 grain bullets. I've looked at trajectory charts that show the over/under bullet path for 100 yard ...
Putting a little more power in a $15.00 Daisy - The High Road
2016年7月17日 · The black plastic piece on the right end is a funnel to make muzzle-loading the single BB easy to do. Also interesting to note, the 499B does not use an air tube. The combination of no air tube along w/the lower spring rate accounts for the low velocity of the 499B (~240 fps), but at 5 meters high velocity isn’t necessary for great accuracy ...
the FN Five Seven is it a good choice | The High Road
2016年11月19日 · I'm shopping for my next handgun. The FN Five Seven on paper looks pretty interesting to me, so does the HK USP9. Is the Five Seven easy to run? My hands are getting weaker due to arthritis, and was hoping this one would be easy to manipulate. Are there any negatives to it other than finding...
Simple collection | The High Road
2013年11月26日 · Anything glaringly missing from this simple collection of firearms? Thinking maybe a deep concealment gun is next. Maybe a 308 or 30-06 rifle? I'm partial to lever rifles so maybe a 44mag lever to share ammo with the smith? I'm thinking this about covers all my needs though as I am not a big...
Simple stainless shotgun? | The High Road
2013年2月4日 · I own and hunt with an 870 and am plenty happy with that gun when I'm planning on going hunting. I've had instances however where it would be nice to bring a different shotgun where I hunt and leave it locked up there. I store all my …
Trunk Gun: Smart Investment or Bad Idea? | Page 8 | The High Road
2012年6月13日 · Hmm, oddly enough, when I took auto mechanics in the early 80s I was told that was a tire iron. The inner tubes we used for tubing on snow and water came from truck tires, complete with valve stems sticking out.
New gun for old hands | The High Road
2012年1月2日 · Good day to all, My name is Brian, a 20-something from Lexington, KY. (Figured I'd introduce myself as this is my first post) I've been lingering...
Wanting Everything.... | The High Road
2010年11月13日 · In looking for a handgun-I want it seems the impossible; sort of looking for the "holy grail" gun... 1. Easy to shoot accurately 2. Acceptable caliber; preferably .45 acp 3. Steel, preferably blue 4. Semi/auto 5. Small enough to conceal 6. Grip frame large enough for me &...
Putting a little more power in a $15.00 Daisy - The High Road
2016年7月17日 · This gun, using a current production Red Ryder spring in place of the stock 499 spring with no other changes upped the MV from 240 fps to 420 fps. The question of the TP size came about after I swapped the Red Ryder spring for one of my HP springs and the MV didn't pick up as expected, leading me to believe the TP was the culprit- it simply ...