【主题单词】狼吞虎咽、细嚼慢咽怎么说?教你描述进食的英语! …
2023年1月19日 · 嚼东西的意思,通常都是用来指嚼口香糖。 The kid is chewing the gum. 小孩在嚼口香糖。 通常用来表示因为很饿所以吃东西吃很快。 Haven't eaten food for one day, the man devours all the food that is in front of him. 一天没吃东西,男子狼吞虎咽的吃掉在他面前的食物。 Alex made a pig of himself at dinner and feels very sick now. Alex 在晚餐时吃得太多, 现在感到很不舒服。 通常是指吃会发出声音的东西,例如:吃薯片、饼干。 We are munching the …
【英语单词】彻底解释“gnaw”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 –
gnaw是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法! “He asked Oumen gnaw not go, even said that waiting for a train yet.” 按问,他 啃 偶们不走,火车还在等。 They both can not help but gnaw angry, if the eye can kill, he has long been Woliang 100010000 scrape a knife. 如果眼神能杀人,他们俩都 啃 疯了,没办法,他已经有一柄长了我两万万的刮刀了。
GNAW中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
GNAW翻译:咬, 咬,啮,啃(通常指啃出孔洞或逐渐啃坏), 感到担忧, 使烦恼。 了解更多。
Strong's Greek: 5176. τρώγω (trógó) -- To gnaw, to munch, to eat
Usage: The Greek verb "trógó" is used to describe the act of eating, often with a connotation of chewing or gnawing. It is distinct from other Greek words for eating, such as "esthió," which is more general. "Trógó" implies a more deliberate or intense action of eating, often used metaphorically in the New Testament to convey deep spiritual truths.
gnaw 指连续不断用齿咬。 snap 指突然猛咬。 1. The dog has been gnaw ing away on the bone all day. 这条狗整天一直在啃一块骨头。 2. To gnaw or wear away; erode. 通过侵蚀或汽化蒸馏穿破。 3. And like remorse the worm will gnaw your skin. 蛆虫自会像折磨你的悔恨那样咬你的皮肤 …
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 gnaw是什么意思_gnaw的中文解释和发音_gnaw的翻译_gnaw …
gnaw 指连续不断用齿。 snap 指突然。 1. These doubts had been gnawing at him for some time. 这些疑虑已经 折磨 他一段时间了。 2. The farmer’s dog has been gnawing away on a bone under the table. 那农夫的狗一直在桌子底下啃骨头。 3. Some of the furniture in this old house has been gnawed away by rats. 这所房子里的一些家具已被老鼠 坏了。 4. He was afflicted always with a gnawing restlessness.
gnaw - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年3月5日 · (ambitransitive) To bite something persistently, especially something tough. The dog gnawed the bone until it broke in two. (intransitive) To produce excessive anxiety or worry. Her comment gnawed at me all day and I couldn't think about anything else. To corrode; to fret away; to waste. ± to bite something persistently.
gnaw是什么意思_gnaw怎么读_gnaw英译汉 - 单词乎
bite, chew, gnaw, snap 这些动词均含有“咬、啃”之意。 bite: 指用牙齿钳住或切断,或咬一口。 chew: 指用牙磨碎。 gnaw: 指连续不断用齿咬。 snap: 指突然猛咬。
gnaw什么意思? gnaw翻译(中文英文):咬, 啃, 啮, 使… 《抓鸟》英语 …
1. bite or chew on with the teeth; 例子 "gnaw an old cracker"; 相似 "chewed on a cookie" 2. become ground down or deteriorate; "Her confidence eroded" +
gnaw中文意思是什么?标准发音教学(附音标)-权威释义解析|单 …
16. Gnaw: This death knight ghoul ability now has a 1-minute cooldown. 撕扯:这一宠物技能现在有了1分钟的冷却时间。 17. Happiness is that you eat fish, I eat meat, we look at others gnaw bone. 幸福就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头。 18. This means a quick gnaw to real gold would actually leave an ...