What’s the difference between EAX, EBX, and ECX in assembly?
2022年11月11日 · eax, ebx, ecx and so on are actually registers, which can be seen as "hardware" variables, somewhat similar to higher level-language's variables. Registers can be used in your software directly with instructions such as mov, add or cmp. The leading e stands for e xtended and means that your register is 32 bits wide.
EAX x86 Register: Meaning and History - Keleshev
2020年3月20日 · When learning x86 assembly, you’re usually told something along the lines: Here’s EAX. It’s a register. Use it. So, what exactly do those letters stand for? E–A–X. I’m afraid there’s no short answer! We’ll have to go back to 1972… In 1972, after an odd sequence of events, Intel introduced the world’s first 8-bit microprocessor, the 8008.
What does X mean in EAX,EBX,ECX ... in assembly?
2016年11月25日 · EAX: "Extended Accumulator" - used for arithmetic and logical operations, as well as for storing return values from functions. EBX: "Extended Base" - often used as a pointer to data in the data segment of memory. ECX: "Extended Counter" - often used for loop and string operations, as well as for storing function arguments.
CPU寄存器的命名有没有来由? - 知乎
Guide to x86 Assembly - University of Virginia
For example, the names EAX and eax refer to the same register. You can declare static data regions (analogous to global variables) in x86 assembly using special assembler directives for this purpose. Data declarations should be preceded by the .DATA directive.
2013年11月19日 · EAX 是"累加器" (accumulator), 它是很多加法乘法指令的缺省寄存器。 EBX 是"基地址" (base)寄存器, 在内存寻址时存放基地址。 ECX 是计数器 (counter), 是重复 (REP)前缀指令和LOOP指令的内定计数器。 EDX 则总是被用来放整数除法产生的余数。 ESI/EDI分别叫做"源/目标索引寄存器" (source/destination index),因为在很多字符串操作指令中, DS:ESI指向源串,而ES:EDI指向目标串. EBP是"基址指针" (BASE POINTER), 它最经常被用作高级语言函数调用 …
What does edx,ecx,ebx or eax mean in assembly? - Reddit
2023年11月27日 · Someone pls explain what it means. Some article says that it is just the register, if so provide some resource to understand better. Nobody's responded to this post yet. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going.
x86 Assembly/X86 Architecture - Wikibooks, open books for an …
2024年1月1日 · In 16-bit mode, the register is identified by its two-letter abbreviation from the list above. In 32-bit mode, this two-letter abbreviation is prefixed with an 'E' (extended). For example, 'EAX' is the accumulator register as a 32-bit value.
Assembly Language Registers - Electronics Reference
The 32-bit accumulator register was named ‘Extended AX’ (EAX). The AX, AH, and AL sub-registers are all accessible within EAX:
EAX x86 register: meaning and history - OSNews
2020年3月22日 · Usually, x86 tutorials don’t spend much time explaining the historical perspective of design and naming decisions. When learning x86 assembly, you’re usually told something along the lines: Here’s EAX. It’s a register. Use it. So, what exactly do those letters stand for? E–A–X. I’m afraid there’s no short answer!