Understanding and Relating E<sub>b</sub>/N<sub>o</sub>, …
Bandwidth. Often no subscript indicates that the signal bandwidth is implied. BW n: Noise bandwidth. In a calibrated noise bench test this number may be adjusted to account for the shape of the noise spectrum to provide the normalized noise bandwidth. In a simulation this is usually proportional to the assumed sampling rate. R
relation between snr and Eb/No | Forum for Electronics
2005年8月31日 · eb/n0 Conceptually SNR ad Eb/No are same. SNR is used to represent signal to oise ratio for analog signals. Eb is the Energy of one 'bit' and No is the noise spectral density ( i.e. noise power/ BW). Thus Eb/No is the signal to noise ratio for a digital sigal for a defined BW.
C/N and Eb/No relation? - Forum for Electronics
2004年5月23日 · c/n eb/no Hi, I have found the following. Hopefully it should prove useful: C/N It is the Carrier to Noise Ratio. This is almost what you measure with the spectrumsanalyzer (The S.A. measures (C+N)/N but C+N is very close to C as N is very low compared to C). Eb/No is commonly used for digital carriers.
What does Es/No mean and how does it differ from Eb/No?
2004年5月23日 · What's Es/No mean? If You works with a Channel Coding, for example convolutional coding with Rate R=k/n (where k is the number of informative simbols and n is the correspondent coded simbols), then You can write k * Eb = n * Es ==> Es = R * Eb: Es is the amount of energy needed to transimit one coded simbol and Eb is …
Relationship between Eb/No for the GFSK modulation
2004年4月29日 · Eb/No is classically defined as the ratio of Energy per Bit (Eb) to the Spectral Noise Density (No). If this definition leaves you with a empty, glassy-eyed feeling, you're not alone. The definition does not give you any insight into how to measure Eb/No or what it's used for. Eb/No is the measure of signal to noise ratio for a digital
How to convert Eb/No to Es/No? | Forum for Electronics
2006年9月13日 · eb/no es/no Es/No = Eb/No + 10*log10(k)% Es/No= SNR per bit where, k = log2(M);%k bits per symbol, M= no of symbols Es/No = Eb/No + 10*log10(k)- 10*log10(nsamp); %The term,-10*log10(nsamp), is used to scale the noise power with the oversampling if sampler is used In both the above cases it is assumed that units are in dB
comp.dsp | What's Es/No mean? - DSPRelated.com
2006年3月5日 · Es/No refers to the *channel* symbols, after FEC is applied. The channel symbols may in fact still be "bits" though. For example, if a r=1/2, K=7 code is used with BPSK, a textbook might show a BER vs Eb/No curve with two traces on it, coded and uncoded. The uncoded one will have a 1e-5 BER at the familiar 9.6 dB Eb/No.
fsk BER vs eb/no chart | Forum for Electronics
2008年1月17日 · When you say the EB/No is doubled, do you mean add 3dB to Eb/No or multiply the Eb/No by 2? For instance if I use the QPSK BER vs Eb/No chart and find that for BER of 10^-3 my Eb/No is 6.3. Do I add 3db to 6.3 to make 9.3 or do I multiple 6.3x2 to get 12.6? All the books add 3dB. Do you have a better QPSK chart than the one Feher has?
Help with Eb/No and BER relationship for QPSK-Viterbi(DVB-S)
2007年10月3日 · Pqpsk = (2/k)·Q(x)·( 1 - ½·(1/k)·Q(x) ) where x = √2·dfree·Eb/No Well, if I try to calculate it with Matlab I don't obtain the values that are specified in ETSI EN 300 421, I obtain lesser values of BER. I calulate it defining some values of Eb/No and using dfree values indicated in ETSI EN 300 41.
comp.dsp | Eb/No and SNR - DSPRelated.com
2015年6月23日 · >and Eb / No is related to SNR as > > Eb / No = Ps / (b * W * No) > = SNR / b [1 / bit]. First off, your explanation is really helpful.I have a query regarding the units of above expression. I understand that expression on LHS (left hand side) has …