The Strange Story of J-Rod - Coast to Coast AM
2006年2月11日 · "Drawing of J-Rod (an EBE or extraterrestrial biological entity) by mechanical engineer, Bill Uhouse, based on J-Rod's appearance dressed in a human man's shirt in 1970s or early 1980s at a conference table with physicist Edward …
project was allegedly an EBEN called "J-Rod" who had been working with a secret agency of the United States government since 1953 at Los Alamos National Laboratory in northern New Mexico and in a secret underground facility called Site 4 literally inside the Papoose Mountains near Groom Lake, Area
1953 Kingman, AZ UFO crash - Ikwipedia
The craft is said to have been crewed by EBEs, specifically multiple individuals referred to as J-Rod. Testimonies suggest that three J-Rods were aboard the craft during the Kingman incident. Of these, two survived the crash: one a P-45 J-Rod, and the other a P-52 J-Rod, named Chi’el’ah.
Eben, Archquloids, Quadaloids, Heplaloids, and Trantaloids
2023年11月27日 · J-Rod is described as an EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity). There are claims of a drawing made of J-Rod by mechanical engineer Bill Uhouse, based on the entity’s appearance during a meeting with physicist Edward Teller …
J-ROD was allegedly retrieved from a crashed disc near Kingman, Arizona and taken to the Nevada Test Site and Area 51, S-4, Groom Lake and the Papoose Mountain engineering bay research and development complex.
The Strange Story of J-Rod, An EBE - Geocities Archive
It was J-Rod, a typical gray-colored EBE, hairless and without facial expressions. He had large, black wrap-around eyes or eye-lenses that are typical of these creatures. He is reported to be 200 years old, suffering from cell deterioration and still located at Papoose S-4, Area 51 in Nevada.
J-Rod - Clone or Time Traveler - Universe Research 寰宇探研
2018年1月7日 · 從資料搜集來看,Uhouse 和 Burisch 是目前對 J-Rod 事跡的主要資料來源,雖然雙方對 J-Rod 來歷的説法有出入,但兩者在一定程度上卻并無抵觸,從 Corso 的角度來看,Zeta Reticuli 的飛碟在太空旅行中是有牽涉穿越時空的,但 J-Rod 是否遠達50000年後的人類變種則沒 …
最多貢獻的外星人J-ROD 在地球活了近50年的小灰人 | Ango …
這位小灰人,地外生物體EBE,名叫J-Rod,先前的影片在介紹51區S4基地,一直都有出現的名字。 這位朋友,算是對地球付出最多的貢獻,像是飛行科技 ...
2021年6月26日 · 简单来说它可以向前或向后扭曲时空的结构,它可以观测未来事件的发生,只要正确调整设备后,可能未来事件的图像,就会投射在视野内的开放空间,类似于全像投影设备的数据输出。 要使用这个设备,必须要了解其中一项时间悖论的学说,因为这关系到时间星际旅行,所以得了解背后的可怕影响;另外,窥镜还有一项最重要的秘密,当你把装置翻转45°后,调整到一个不同的频率,它就可以被当作星门来使用,所以它的存在事实上是有双重目的的,在窥镜的 …
UFO crash survivor J. Rod the alien is the best Area 51 ... - Metro
2024年1月24日 · Extra-terrestrial beings have dominated headlines for the past year as people double down on their belief that UFOs are out there – but long before then, there was J. Rod the alien. Haven’t heard...
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