Eben Low - Paniolo Preservation Society
2022年6月24日 · Ebenezer “Rawhide Ben” Parker Low (Paniolo Hall of Fame Class of 2005) was born in Honolulu, October 4, 1864, the great grandson of John Palmer Parker I and Kipikane. He was handling cows before he was six, helping Robert Waipa, his mother’s half-brother, with the milking herd of 20-30 cows.
Eben Parker Low - Hawaii Cattlemen's Council
Like the true paniolo of the day, Eben was a fluent Hawaiian speaker. He earned a reputation as a wild bullock hunter, undeterred even by the loss of his hand in a roping accident on the slopes of Mauna Kea. "The paniolo work in the open," he wrote in his memoirs, "in God's good sunlight and in his refreshing rains and winds.
Ebenezer Parker “Eben” Low (1864-1954) - Find a Grave
Noted paniolo (cowboy). He was born into the paniolo heritage, as a great-grandson of John Palmer Parker, who formed what was to become Hawaii's largest cattle ranch, spanning a great swath of the island of Hawaii. Eben Low was the son of John Somes Low and Martha Kekapa Fuller, who was a granddaughter of Parker and...
Ebenezer Parker Low - Images of Old Hawaiʻi
2018年3月19日 · “Eben Parker Low was born in Honolulu, a great grandson of John Palmer Parker I and his Hawaiian wife, Kipikane. He spent his early years on Parker Ranch, Handling cows and calves by the time he was six years old.”
Eben Parker Low Photographs
Eben Parker Low, also known as Rawhide Ben Low, was a famous paniolo (cowboy) on the big island of Hawaii. He was raised on Parker Ranch and later founded his own ranch - Puuwaawaa. Eben was my grandfather.
Paniolo Pandemonium: The Untold History of Hawai‘i’s …
2019年6月17日 · And when Angus McPhee struggled against Hawai‘i’s best, Low, a renowned one-handed Big Island cowboy-turned-promoter, got his heart’s desire: an all-expenses-paid trip for the rodeo’s top three...
How Three Hawaiian Cowboys Won the Wild West - Hawaii …
2019年6月26日 · Eben Low, center, a renowned Hawaii Island cowboy-turned-promoter who got three Hawaiian paniolo to compete in 1908 Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming. Photo: Courtesy of North Hawaii Education and Research Center
Umikoa Ranch – nupepa
Famed cowboy Ikuwa Purdy dies, 1945. At 12:15 a. m. on July 4, the incompassionate hands of death reached out and plucked the life breath from the body of Ikuwa Purdy, as per the news received by Eben Low [Epena Low] of Honolulu. Ikuwa Purdy was …
Best of the Best - Paniolo Preservation Society
2021年8月31日 · Jack’s brother and Archie’s half-brother Eben Parker Low is also in the Paniolo Hall of Fame, Class of 2005. Great grandson of John Palmer Parker, Low worked for Parker Ranch in his youth, became manager of Pu’uhue Ranch at age 26, and founded Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a Ranch with Robert Hind in 1894.
Eben Parker Low - Facebook
Eben Parker Low - Facebook