Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management | NOAA Fisheries
In the fisheries sector, this approach is referred to as ecosystem-based fisheries management—or EBFM. While EBFM is directed toward fisheries management, we have adopted a similar approach—accounting for ecosystem interactions and considerations—for the protected and other marine species that we are mandated to manage.
Understanding Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
The goal of ecosystem-based management is to maintain ecosystems in a healthy, productive, and resilient condition so they can provide the services humans want and need. The EBFM approach also can be applied in the management of protected and other trust marine species.
Managing Ecosystems, Managing Fisheries: How Do EBM and EBFM …
2008年12月20日 · Fisheries management is an important component of broader marine management, no matter the circumstances of place or the scale of EBM undertaken. But what is the relationship between ecosystem-based management in general and ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) in particular?
EBFM is an overarching framework that encompasses the myriad NOAA Fisheries science and LMR management challenges of today, including the need for adaptation to climate change.
Delineating the continuum of marine ecosystem-based …
2015年12月28日 · Key differences between ecosystem approaches to fisheries management (EAFM) and EBFM is that the later considers the trade-offs of multiple species, as opposed to a stock within a fishery, and EBFM takes a more coordinated approach to management through the use of strategic planning documents like fishery ecosystem plans.
基于生态系统的渔业管理:对定义,实施和期望的认识。,PLOS …
2018年1月31日 · 基于生态系统的渔业管理(EBFM)的开发超越了单一物种管理,通过纳入生态系统因素来可持续利用海洋资源。 由于广泛的渔业特征,包括跨区域和跨物种的渔业管理目标不同,EBFM的理论最佳实践差异很大。 在这里,我们强调海洋科学专业人士对EBFM的解释及其实施过程中缺乏共识。 渔业政策制定者和管理者,种群评估科学家,保护主义者和生态学家对某些管理策略被视为EBFM的程度有不同的看法。 然后,我们评估EBFM实施的可变性,在这里,我们 …
Key principles of ecosystem‐based management: the fishermen's ...
2016年8月26日 · The four EBM principles that can be considered the fishermen's priorities, based on this process, are (listed in descending order of frequency): Sustainability, Develop Long-Term Objectives, Stakeholder Involvement and Use of All Forms of Knowledge.
传统的渔业捕捞管理通常只关注单一目标鱼种,基于生态系统的渔业管理(Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management, EBFM)作为一种新理念和国际趋势,则要求渔业政策在制定过程中纳入对物种间相互作用、环境变化等生态系统因素的考虑,力求实现社会、经济发展与生态 ...
Moving towards ecosystem-based fisheries management: …
2016年12月1日 · Broad application of multi-species assessment models to support ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) requires the development and testing of multi-species biological reference points (MBRPs) for use in harvest-control rules.
Oh What a Tangled Web: Ecosystem-Based Management - SERC
2008年8月12日 · Read this excerpt from the WWF publication Ecosystem-Based Management for Marine Capture Fisheries (Acrobat (PDF) 366kB Jan17 08) to learn about ecosystem-based management (EBM) and how it can be used to improve fisheries management. What are the basic principles of ecosystem-based management?