Ebon Atoll - Wikipedia
Ebon Atoll (Marshallese: Epoon, [ɛbʲɔːnʲ] [1]) is a coral atoll of 22 islands in the Pacific Ocean, forming a legislative district of the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands. Its land area is 5.75 square kilometers (2.22 sq mi), and it encloses a deep lagoon with an area of …
Ebon Atoll - Marshall Islands Guide
Ebon is consistently in the top five copra-producing atolls, they have a regular copra ship run. Sailing Information: The circular-shaped atoll consists of a deep central lagoon covering 104 km². It is about 6 miles across, surrounded by 22 islets on the east, south and west sides.
埃邦環礁 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
埃邦環礁(英語: Ebon Atoll )是太平洋由22個島嶼組成的環礁,屬於拉利克礁鏈的一部分,是馬紹爾群島24個立法選區(legislative district)之一,位於賈盧伊特環礁以南155公里,是馬紹爾群島和拉利克礁鏈的最南端島嶼,總土地面積5.75平方公里,中央的潟湖面積104 ...
22 Things to Know Before You Go: The Marshall Islands - Roads …
Together, the lagoon and the islands make an atoll, formed thousands of years ago when a volcanic island sank into the sea. The Marshall Islands have 29 of them. Get a window seat. You have to fly over a mind-boggling expanse of ocean to get to the Marshall Islands, which are about halfway between Hawaii and Australia in eastern Micronesia.
Atoll information--Ebon Atoll (Marshall Islands) - Charles Sturt …
Map of Ebon Atoll (1897) View an 1873 view of the pass into of Ebon Atoll Historic Data List of the Foreign property holdings during the German Colonial Period. Historic Demographic Information for the Marshall Islands--Ebon Atoll. Chronological listing of ships visiting the Marshall Islands until 1885 --Ebon Atoll. Historic Copra Production by ...
Ebon Atoll - Wikiwand
Ebon Atoll is a coral atoll of 22 islands in the Pacific Ocean, forming a legislative district of the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands. Its land area is 5.75 square kilometers (2.22 sq mi), and it encloses a deep lagoon with an area of 104 square kilometers (40 sq mi).
Ebon Atoll Map - Island - Marshall Islands - Mapcarta
Ebon Atoll is a coral atoll of 22 islands in the Pacific Ocean, forming a legislative district of the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands. Its land area is 5.75 square kilometers, and it encloses a deep lagoon with an area of 104 square kilometers.
埃邦环礁/Ebon Atoll_跨境百科 - 10100.com
2024年3月26日 · 缩写:埃邦环礁在马绍尔语中的全称转化为英文缩写,为“Ebon Atoll”。 英文:在对外交流和国际贸易中,通常使用其英文名称“Ebon Atoll”进行标注。 首府:该环礁的首府是名为“Tab Island”的小岛,是当地政治和经济中心。 埃邦环礁位于马绍尔群岛的南部,由数十个小岛组成,形成了一个典型的环状珊瑚礁结构。 这些小岛环绕着一个碧绿清澈的泻湖,为当地居民提供了丰富的海洋资源。 环礁的气候属于热带海洋性气候,全年温暖湿润,适宜各种海洋生物的生 …
埃邦環礁 - 中文百科 - wikis.tw
埃邦環礁(英語:Ebon Atoll)是太平洋由22個島嶼組成的環礁,屬於拉利克礁鏈的一部分,是馬紹爾群島24個立法選區(legislative district)之一,位於賈盧伊特環礁以南155公里,是馬紹爾群島和拉利克礁鏈的最南端島嶼,總土地面積...
Archaeological and Historical Survey of Ebon Atoll, Republic of …
The Ebon Atoll archaeological and anthropological survey was conducted from February 17 to March 6, 2014 by staff from the Republic of the Marshall Islands Historic Preservation Office (HPO). This report discusses archaeological methodology, limitations of research, previous archaeological work on Ebon Atoll, and a brief cultural and ...