EC 45 flat Ø42.9 mm, brushless, 30 Watt, with Hall sensors
Thanks to their flat design, the brushless EC flat motors are exactly the right drive for many applications. The well-conceived, simple engineering allows mainly automated production which results in a favorable price.
maxon EC45flat无刷盘式伺服电机关节模组驱动器 - 知乎
2023年6月25日 · Maxon EC 45 flat 无刷电机 的特点在于结构简易、精巧,同时还能提供高转矩强度。 这款 盘式电机 输出功率介于15至50 W,重量仅在46 g至110 g,关节与maxon定位编码器相连接,因此可准确测量关节的角度。
EC 45 flat ∅43.5 mm, 无刷,70 Watt 电机参数(临时) 额定电压下的数据 1 额定电压 V 2 空载转速 rpm 3 空载电流 mA 4 额定转速 rpm 5 额定转矩 (最大连续转矩) mNm 6 额定电流 (最大连续电流) A 7 堵转转矩1 mNm 8 堵转电流 A 9 最大效率 % 电机常数 10 相间电阻 Ω 11 相间电感 mH
EC 45 flat ∅42.8 mm, brushless, 70 Watt Motor Data (provisional) Values at nominal voltage 1 Nominal voltage V 2 No load speed rpm 3 No load current mA 4 Nominal speed rpm 5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 6 Nominal current …
The EC 45 flat with integrated electronics is a brushless, speed-controlled 4-quadrant drive. It combines the advan- tages of a flat motor with the performance of an integrated, digital 4-quadrant servo controller.
April 2019 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor EC 45 flat ∅42.8 mm, brushless, 50 Watt Motor Data Values at nominal voltage 1 Nominal voltage V 2 No load speed rpm 3 No load current mA 4 Nominal speed rpm 5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 7 Stall torque1 mNm 8 Stall current A
maxon flat motor 265 353518 353519 350909 370425 353516 353517 352886 370424 ... April 2019 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor EC 45 flat brushless, 30 Watt, with integrated electronics 1-Q-Speed Controller Motor Data ... ∅45 mm 0.5 - 2.0 Nm Page 365 Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed
直流电机 - EC 45 flat series - maxon/麦克森 - EC / 24V / 12V
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供直流电机产品详细信息。规格型号:EC 45 flat series,公司品牌:maxon/麦克森。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选直流电机产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
Flat motor - EC 45 - maxon - three-phase / EC / 24 V
The result is the more powerful and less expensive EC 45 flat Power up motor, it is available in two standard versions, as well as in two new versions with either an open rotor or a fan. The flat design of the brushless EC flat motors make them the perfect solution for many applications.
EC 45 flat ∅42.8 mm, 无刷,30 W, 内置驱动 4-Q-速度闭环控制器 电机参数(临时) 额定电压下的数据 1 额定电压 V 2 空载转速 rpm 3 空载电流 mA 4 额定转速 rpm 5 额定转矩 mNm 6 额定电流 (最大持续电流) A 33 最大转矩 mNm 34 最大电流 A 9 最大效率 % 电机常数 35 控制类型 36 ...