CERALL All Ceramic Cartridge |Shenzhen ECAP Technology Co.,ltd
CERALL ALL CERAMIC CARTRIDGE has achieved the highest subdivision rate and stiffness as well as the lowest thermal expansion rate in the entire market.
CERALL - ecaptechnology.com
Since ECAP’s founding in 2011, our core ceramic technology has emerged at the forefront of vaporizer atomization performance and is trusted among the industry’s largest brands for delivering consistent reliability and consumer safety.
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ECAP's patented ceramic technology quietly lies at the heart of millions of vaporizers worldwide. Our R&D team has over 15 years of expertise in the manufacturing of ceramic heating elements and coil atomizers used in the electronics, vaporizers and home appliance industries.
全瓷手推车| 陶瓷科技是深圳市第一家全瓷集成结构| ECAP科技有 …
陶瓷科技:ecap独有的窑炉烧结一体化专利,我们是全球唯一一家。 我们是市场上第一个且独一无二的,能够制造无棉全陶瓷墨盒。 窑烧一体化技术:将未加工的线圈陶瓷线圈填充到陶瓷中心柱中,然后在1100℃下烧结,将2部分合并在一起。
全陶瓷一体烧结CERALL - cn.ecaptechnology.com
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Ecap Cerall Full Ceramic Cartridge - Vapour Town
Technologically advanced full ceramic screw on cartridges that use the 510 thread, and offer unrivalled performance and vapour. Leading the way in the liquid vaping market is this incredible Ecap Cerall full ceramic cartridge.
Why ECAP Full-ceramic Cartridge Is The Best For CBD OR THC Oil?
2021年6月29日 · CERALL TECH: ECAP’s unique kiln sintering integrated patent and we are the only one holding it globally. We are the 1st & unique in the Market who is capable to build Cotton-Free Full-Ceramic...
CERALL Technology is the 1st All-Ceramic integrated structure
CERALL Technology is the 1st All-Ceramic integrated structure. Each CCOIL or KCOIL atomizer is kiln-fused directly into the ceramic body of the vaporizer at 1,100°C. Our first CERALL Technology is now available in our CL6 to CL8 Cartridges and also available for ODM Projects.
ECAP New Full Ceramic Cart--Still Free Sample for Future42 Friends
2021年12月2日 · Now we released a new seris named 10R, still free samples. Or if you are interested in Cerall Cartridge, pls DM me. Here is the brief intro of 10R Products Highlights: Diameter: 10.5mm (since CERALL cart is a little bit larger than standard cart, many friend...