ECC 33, Tube ECC33; Röhre ECC 33 ID18589, Double Triode
Tube ECC 33 or Röhre ECC33 ID18589, Double Triode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Audio Frequency shown. Radio tubes are valves.
ECC33 @ The Valve Museum
Mullard, in 1949, describe the ECC33 as a high slope, low impedance double triode with low heater consumption, primarily intended for use in flip-flop, scaling and computer circuits.
ECC33 vs 6SN7 - Implications I should know? - diyAudio
2016年2月27日 · The ECC33 has a higher amplification factor (35 vs 20 for the 6SN7) but in an amplifier with global NFB the gain difference will be small (if any). The ECC33 is indeed a wonderful tube but even in Europe they are very scarce and outrageously expensive.
ecc32还是ecc33可直代6sn7? 谢谢! - Tubebbs
2018年9月14日 · 灯丝电流: 32是0.9A. 33是0.4A. 6SN7是0.75A. 这么说来真正好声的6SN7的管子不多,ECC32.33不算6SN7。 国产的6N8P声音就更不用说了。 ECC32若要替代6SN7,一定要注意灯丝电流够不够! ECC33比6SN7电流小很多,会烧管子吗? EL34版主(QQ:12300446),电话:13939993745,E-Mail:[email protected] | BBS01版主(QQ:448445277),E-Mail:[email protected]. 胆艺轩 [Tubebbs]论坛 音响,交易,电子 …
ECC31/ECC32/ECC33/ECC34/ECC35 Tube Addicts - Head-Fi.org
2016年5月15日 · ECC33 The ECC33 is a low impedance double triode with high gain. It featured separate cathodes and was designed for use as AF voltage amplifiers, phase splitters.
ECC33, 34, 35 tubes? - diyAudio
2004年12月12日 · Hi, ..........Not to forget the ECC32. A close cousin of the 6SN7 but not an exact equivalent contrary to what some manuals (and vendors) would have you believe. For the ECC35 the same applies as above but as if it were to be a close equivalent of the 6SL7. ECC33 is a computer type (on-off switcher)
ECC33 @ The Valve Museum
Mullard, in 1949, describe the ECC33 as a high slope, low impedance double triode with low heater consumption, primarily intended for use in flip-flop, scaling and computer circuits. The electrode assembly is considerably smaller than other double triodes of the period. The twin triodes sitting above the pinch.
The ECC33 is a low impedance double triode with high gain. It featured separate cathodes and was designed for use as AF voltage amplifiers, phase splitters. Many affectionados prefer this valve to the more common ECC32 variants because of the lower impedance and the curiously smaller and very rigid para-ellipsoid ele
2024年12月22日 · 想要你的音响设备更上一层楼吗? 全新英国大盾ECC33电子管来了! 它不仅适用于6SN7、6H8C、6N8P、CV131、5962等多种型号胆机功放,更是音质提升的秘密武器。 今天就带你深入了解这款电子管的魅力所在! 🚀 在这个追求极致音质的时代,选择合适的电子管至关重 …
ECC33 - diyAudio
2011年6月19日 · Does anyone know how close is the ECC33 to the 6SN7? Same base, less heater current, slightly higher impedance, about 50% more gain. Lower operating plate voltage …