ECC 33, Tube ECC33; Röhre ECC 33 ID18589, Double Triode
Tube ECC 33 or Röhre ECC33 ID18589, Double Triode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Audio Frequency shown. Radio tubes are valves.
ECC33 @ The Valve Museum
Mullard, in 1949, describe the ECC33 as a high slope, low impedance double triode with low heater consumption, primarily intended for use in flip-flop, scaling and computer circuits.
ECC33 vs 6SN7 - Implications I should know? - diyAudio
2016年2月27日 · The ECC33 has a higher amplification factor (35 vs 20 for the 6SN7) but in an amplifier with global NFB the gain difference will be small (if any). The ECC33 is indeed a …
ecc32还是ecc33可直代6sn7? 谢谢! - Tubebbs
2018年9月14日 · 灯丝电流: 32是0.9A. 33是0.4A. 6SN7是0.75A. 这么说来真正好声的6SN7的管子不多,ECC32.33不算6SN7。 国产的6N8P声音就更不用说了。 ECC32若要替代6SN7,一定 …
ECC31/ECC32/ECC33/ECC34/ECC35 Tube Addicts - Head-Fi.org
2016年5月15日 · ECC33 The ECC33 is a low impedance double triode with high gain. It featured separate cathodes and was designed for use as AF voltage amplifiers, phase splitters.
ECC33, 34, 35 tubes? - diyAudio
2004年12月12日 · Hi, ..........Not to forget the ECC32. A close cousin of the 6SN7 but not an exact equivalent contrary to what some manuals (and vendors) would have you believe. For the …
ECC33 @ The Valve Museum
Mullard, in 1949, describe the ECC33 as a high slope, low impedance double triode with low heater consumption, primarily intended for use in flip-flop, scaling and computer circuits. The …
The ECC33 is a low impedance double triode with high gain. It featured separate cathodes and was designed for use as AF voltage amplifiers, phase splitters. Many affectionados prefer this …
2024年12月22日 · 想要你的音响设备更上一层楼吗? 全新英国大盾ECC33电子管来了! 它不仅适用于6SN7、6H8C、6N8P、CV131、5962等多种型号胆机功放,更是音质提升的秘密武器。 …
ECC33 - diyAudio
2011年6月19日 · Does anyone know how close is the ECC33 to the 6SN7? Same base, less heater current, slightly higher impedance, about 50% more gain. Lower operating plate voltage …