ECL85/6GV8 PP Supertriode - diyAudio
2018年3月7日 · I thought I’d share some simulation and experimental results for a PP supertriode amp using ECL85/6GV8. I believe the supertriode connection was developed by the Japanese and has popped up from time to time on diyAudio. John Broskie has explored the concept at length: SuperTriode Single-Ended Amplifiers & Super-Triodes
ECL 85, Tube ECL85; Röhre ECL 85 ID18599, Triode-Pentode
Tube ECL 85 or Röhre ECL85 ID18599, Triode-Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
ECL86 or ECL85 for mini amp? - diyAudio
2021年3月9日 · If you want to run the ECL85 power pentode at 250 V plate voltage and 36 mA plate current, you can try a 7kohms OT. If you've got a ECL805 and run it at 250 V and 42 mA, hence 10.5 watts plate dissipation, the OT needs to transform to 6 kohms as a rule of thumb.
ECL82,ECL85和ECL86参数有那样不同? - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石 …
2013年2月24日 · 这些管子参数基本相近,功率输出三极五极管,五极部分跨导82是15,86是10,85是7.5。 好像都用于功率输出和场输出。 ECL82、85都是三极电压放大、集射四极功率复合管,灯丝6.3V。 ECL86参数没有查到。 集射四极部分屏极170V/41mA,栅极-11.5V,帘栅极170V/7mA。 集射四极部分屏极185V/41mA,阴极电阻340欧姆,帘栅极185V,跨导7.5mA/V,内阻23K。 五极部分屏极250V/36mA,栅极电压-7V,帘栅极250V,跨导10mA/V,内阻48K, …
ECL85 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The ECL85 is purpose designed for frame generation in television receivers. The triode provides the oscillator and the pentode is optimised for pulse output operation into the magnetic load of the scanning coils. The thin glass tube envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the B9A base pins, is 68 mm tall. References: Data-sheet & 3002.
ECL8X系列到底是束射管还是五极管 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收 …
2025年1月13日 · ECL86中的功率五级管的屏耗只有9W,做单端时匹配7K的输出牛比较合适。 而EL84的屏耗是12W,做单端时匹配5K的输出牛合适。 这是两者最大的区别。 明眼人一看就清楚咋回事儿,不知道那些红口白牙,或者是白纸黑字为啥非要说两者等同。 ECL86中的功率五级管的屏耗只有9W,做单端时匹配7K的输出牛比较合适。 而EL84的屏耗是12W,做单端时匹配5K的 ... ECL86资料题目上就是,TRIODE,PENTODE。 ECL82也是。 ECL86中的功率五级管的屏 …
ECL86 or ECL85 for mini amp? | Page 2 | diyAudio
2021年3月9日 · For an ECL85 @ 7k you would probably want a Va-c (anode-cathode) of around 250V running around 32mA for perfect center bias. This will give around 3.8W output power.
6GV8 (ECL85) Audio Amplifier
Audio Amplifier and power supply. The ECL85 (6GV8) and the 300 mA version PCL85 were specified by Philips in Europe for service in monochrome television receivers as the frame output stage only. However, Philips in Australia did supply audio ratings and this amplifier is based on those specifications - Ed.
DIY Audio Projects Forum • ECL85 (6F5P ) oddwatt clone
2025年2月24日 · I have a desire to construct a small stereo class A push pull amp using the ECL85 (6F5P) that is essentially a clone of the oddwatt circuit. The goal is to power a pair of …
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ECL85 - Tube Data
ECL85 - Tube Data ... ECL85
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