ECL 85, Tube ECL85; Röhre ECL 85 ID18599, Triode-Pentode
Tube ECL 85 or Röhre ECL85 ID18599, Triode-Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
ECL85 @ The Valve Museum
The ECL85 is purpose designed for frame generation in television receivers. The triode provides the oscillator and the pentode is optimised for pulse output operation into the magnetic load of the scanning coils. The thin glass tube envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the B9A base pins, is 68 mm tall. References: Data-sheet & 3002.
ECL86 or ECL85 for mini amp? - diyAudio
2021年3月9日 · The ECL85 was designed and optimised for frame oscillator and output in television receivers. The ECL86 was designed and optimised for audio, both triode and pentode sections.
6GW8/ECL86 based line amp - diyAudio
2019年9月10日 · ECL85/6GV8 are not in current production either but there are a heap of NOS about. Very popular in tube TVs for frame oscillator (Triode) and scan coil power drive (Pentode) Will eventually become rare.
適合桌面使用的小型膽機,更配備揚聲器和耳機輸出功能,全新設計的變壓器 (火牛),小型膽機中享受大規模的聲音感覺。 輸入端子除了有LINE IN使用的RCA插孔以外,更有連接智能手機以及音樂播放器的立體聲小型插孔2個。 不僅配備了揚聲器,還備了耳機輸出,通過更換板上的短插座,支援阻抗為8Ω 至600Ω 的耳機。 另售USB-DAC 套件模塊PS-3249R,裝入本機後,您可以通過連接到PC(電腦) 來欣賞數碼音源。 這是一組4個大絕緣機腳,還有1個音量控制鋁殼環旋 …
ECL85 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The ECL85 is purpose designed for frame generation in television receivers. The triode provides the oscillator and the pentode is optimised for pulse output operation into the magnetic load of the scanning coils.
ECL82,ECL85和ECL86参数有那样不同? - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石 …
2013年2月24日 · ECL82、85都是三极电压放大、集射四极功率复合管,灯丝6.3V。 ECL86参数没有查到。 集射四极部分屏极170V/41mA,栅极-11.5V,帘栅极170V/7mA。 集射四极部分屏极185V/41mA,阴极电阻340欧姆,帘栅极185V,跨导7.5mA/V,内阻23K。 五极部分屏极250V/36mA,栅极电压-7V,帘栅极250V,跨导10mA/V,内阻48K,是为音频放大设计的复合管。 谢谢以上三位! 昨天从拆洋垃圾的店铺看到在卖,30元一只值吗? 我是不清楚这些管有没有 …
6GV8 / ECL85 Audio Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Purchase 6GV8 / ECL85 / ECL805 vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.
Vacuum Tube - 6GV8 / ECL85 /ECL805, Triode, Pentode, Power
New-Old-Stock (NOS) tube. The 6GV8 is a combined triode and beam pentode especially intended for use in vertical output stage, particularly 110 degree picture tubes. Special attention has been paid to properties important for this application, such as microphonism and linearity.
Vacuum Tube Emporium - Huge Selection of ECL85 Vacuum Tubes
If you're looking for an incredible variety of affordable ECL85 vacuum tubes you're going to be positively electrified with the comprehensive selection of new and vintage tubes that we provide here at Vacuum Tube Emporium! Brand new tubes from today's top tube makers - …