ECM 830 Square Wave Electroporation System - btxonline.com
The ECM 830 is a versatile electroporation system suitable for applications for gene, drug and protein delivery including: CRISPR, mammalian cells, in vivo, ex vivo, in ovo tissue, ex plant and nuclear transfer. ECM 830 GENERATOR. The ECM 830 is a square wave pulse generator designed for in vitro and in vivo applications.
BTX™ ECM™ 830 Square Wave Electroporation System, with …
ECM 830 Square Wave Electroporator - Ideal for transfection of mammalian cells and tissues. Shop BTX™ ECM™ 830 Square Wave Electroporation System, with Safety
ECM 830 Square Wave - Electroporation Systems - Products
Versatile electroporation system suitable for applications for gene, drug and protein delivery including: mammalian cells, in vivo, ex vivo, in ovo tissue, ex plant, nuclear transfer and …
BTX ECM830 方波电穿孔系统 - 北京东胜创新生物科技有限公司
The ECM 830 is a Square Wave Electroporation System designed for In Vitro and In Vivo electroporation applications. BTX square wave technology offers the researcher the ability to transfect cells efficiently and with higher cell viabilities.
ECM 830 Square Wave Electroporation System Manual and Quick Start ... - BTX
The ECM 830 System is a versatile electroporation system suitable for applications for gene, drug and protein delivery including: CRISPR, mammalian cells, in vivo, ex vivo, in ovo tissue, ex plant and nuclear transfer.
BTX ECM830 电穿孔仪_参数_价格-仪器信息网
ECM 830是为体外和体内电穿孔设计的方形波电穿孔系统,方波技术为研究者提供了更高的细胞转染率和存活率。 ECM830可与BTX的各种专业电极及配件结合 使用,应用范围十分广泛,如将基因、药物和蛋白质导入活体体内/体外,核移植、胚胎操作、植物原生质体以及细菌和酵母等等。 产品特性. 可操作性. 宽的电压和脉冲持续时间范围,脉冲参数可精确设定,满足各种应用目的和实验方案的参数设定。 监控显示. 液晶屏幕的高分辨率显示电压峰值和脉冲时间,脉冲数,脉冲间 …
美国BTX电穿孔仪ECM 830-上海启文生物科技有限公司
ECM 830是为体外和体内电穿孔设计的方形波电穿孔系统,方波技术为研究者提供了更高的细胞转染率和存活率。 ECM830可与BTX的各种专业电极及配件结合 使用,应用范围十分广泛,如将基因、药物和蛋白质导入活体体内/体外,核移植、胚胎操作、植物原生质体以及细菌和酵母等等。 可靠性. 可操作性. 宽的电压和脉冲持续时间范围,脉冲参数可精确设定,满足各种应用目的和实验方案的参数设定。 监控显示. 7寸彩色触摸屏,已内置常用细胞程序和CRISPR等热门应用程序, …
ations. BTX square wave technology provides the advantages of high transfection eficiency and high cell viability for numerous cell and tissu types. Applications of the versatile ECM 830 for gene, drug and protein delivery include mammalian cells, in vivo and ex vivo tissues, zebrafish tissue and embryos, plant protoplast, and basic bacteria ...
「美国BTX* ECM830 方波电穿孔系统」 价格、参数、图片 - 仪器网
ECM 830是为体外和体内电穿孔设计的方形波电穿孔系统,方波技术为研究者提供了更高的细胞转染率和存活率。 ECM 830可与BTX的各种专业电极及配件结合使用,应用范围十分广泛,如将基因、药物和蛋白质导入活体体内/体外,核移植、胚胎操作、植物原生质体以及细菌和酵母等等。 1. 温和的方波提高了电穿孔后的细胞存活率,从而保证了转化或转染效率. 2. 宽电压范围和脉冲持续时间范围,脉冲参数可精确设定,满足各种应用目的和实验方案的参数设定. 3. LCD液晶屏显 …