Expectation confirmation theory - Wikipedia
Expectation confirmation theory (or ECT) is a cognitive theory which seeks to explain post-purchase or post-adoption satisfaction as a function of expectations, perceived performance, and disconfirmation of beliefs. The structure of the theory was developed in a series of two papers written by Richard L. Oliver in 1977 and 1980. [1] .
期望确认理论 - 百度百科
期望确认理论(期望确认理论,ECT)是由Oliver (1980)提出的,研究消费者满意度研究的基本理论,主要的概念为消费者是以购前期望 ( Expectation)与购后绩效 (Perceived Performance)表现的比较结果 (Confirmation),判断是否对产品或服务满意 (Satisfaction),而满意度成为下次再度购买或使用 (Repurchase Intention)的参考。
期望-确认理论 - MBA智库百科
2020年4月26日 · 诞生之初,ect理论是为了研究消费者满意度,核心在于将消费者购买某一产品前的期望和购买产品后的绩效表现进行比较,来判断是否对产品或者服务感到满意,进而判断是否愿意下次购买或者使用的二次消费问题,广泛运用于评估消费者满意度和产品再次购买 ...
Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) - Newcastle University
Expectation Confirmation Theory explains how individuals' post-purchase satisfaction and repurchase intentions depend on the pre-purchase expectations and subsequent experiences with products or services. The Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) originated from the research domains of consumer research and social psychology.
The expectation confirmation theory (Oliver, 1980). - ResearchGate
ECT posits that customers' repurchase intention is determined primarily by their satisfaction with prior use of the product or service (Oliver, 1980). Satisfied customers have an intention to...
An Indexed Approach for Expectation-Confirmation Theory: A
2024年2月6日 · Based on the established ECT model, this research aims to validate the indexed method of assessing Confirmation by conducting a comprehensive analysis of an extended ECT, namely Trust-based ECT Model (T-ECT), that is applied to an online shopping environment, involving the notion of Online Shopping Decision-Making (OSDM), which is related to ...
Expectation–Confirmation Theory in Information System Research: A ...
2011年1月1日 · This section first presents the elementary Expectation–Confirmation theory (ECT), then quests the rationale to develop a new but related theory in IS context and then presents the Expectation–Confirmation model (ECM).
期望确认理论模型ECM - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年7月11日 · 如下图的研究模型图,就是综合了期望确认理论模型 (ECM)、 技术接受模型 (TAM)、计划行为理论 (TPB)和流程理论(Flow theory),将它们整合为一个理论模型来解释和预测用户的行为意愿。 期望确认理论是由Oliver(1977,1980)提出的,是研究消费者满意度的基本理论。 该理论主要阐述消费者是根据购买前的期望和产品在使用过程中的绩效表现之间的比较结果来判断是否对产品或服务满意。 该理论认为消费者…
Expectation confirmation theory - Information Systems Theories
2015年11月21日 · The four main constructs in the model are: expectations, performance, disconfirmation, and satisfaction. Expectations reflect anticipated behavior (Churchill and Suprenant, 1982). They are predictive, indicating expected product attributes at some point in the future (Spreng et al. 1996).
什么是期望-确认理论(Expectation confirmation theory,ECT理 …
诞生之初,ect理论是为了研究消费者满意度,核心在于将消费者购买某一产品前的期望和购买产品后的绩效表现进行比较,来判断是否对产品或者服务感到满意,进而判断是否愿意下次购买或者使用的二次消费问题,广泛运用于评估消费者满意度和产品再次购买 ...