Executioner - Wikipedia
An executioner, also known as a hangman or headsman, is an official who effects a sentence of capital punishment on a condemned person. The executioner was usually presented with a warrant authorising or ordering him to execute the sentence. The warrant protects the executioner from the charge of murder.
The X-Ecutioners - Wikipedia
The X-Ecutioners, originally known as X-Men, are a group of American hip hop DJs / turntablists from New York City, New York. [2] . The group formed in 1989 and currently consists of three DJs, including Total Eclipse, DJ Boogie Blind, and DJ Precision. Original members of the group included Mista Sinista, Rob Swift, and Roc Raida.
EXECUTIONER中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
executioner的发音是什么? EXECUTIONER翻译:刽子手;行刑人。 了解更多。
executioner - 搜索 词典
The executioner could then help speed their demise by means of a large hook with which he sank the person deeper. 执 刑 者 可以 帮助 加速 他们 的 死亡 - - 用 一个 大 钩子 让 他 沉 的 更深。 2. The Queen did not look round. " Off with its head! " she shouted. " Call for the executioner! 王后 没 回头。 “ 砍 掉 它 的 脑袋! ” 她 喊 着。 “ 把 执行官 叫 来! 3.
executioner是什么意思_executioner的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_ …
An executioner is a person who carries out the death sentence. 刽子手是执行死刑的人. Executioner : Cry out. Just say it . One word . Mercy. 说出来, 快说,就一个词: 宽恕. The executioner made a sign, and his two assistants leaped from the scaffold and seized him. 刽子手做了一个手势, 于是他的助手从断头台上跳下来捉住了他. They told the executioner to let him go , and pardoned him. 就让刽子手停止行刑, 赦免了王延寿.
executioner是什么意思_executioner中文 - 查查在线翻译
executioner的中文意思:n.1.死刑执行人;刽子手。 2. (遗嘱、判决等的)执行人。 …,查阅executioner的详细中文翻译、发音、例句和用法等。
Carl Denti (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom
In the aftermath of a devastating Sentinel attack that left Emma Frost comatose and confined to X-Mansion 's medical lab, the X-Cutioner harbored a deep-seated vendetta against her. Blaming her for past crimes and holding her accountable for the tragic demise of the Hellions, he set his sights on targeting Frost.
EXECUTIONER的意思、解释及翻译:1. someone whose job is to execute criminals 2. someone whose job is to execute criminals。 了解更多。
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 executioner是什么意思_executioner的中 …
executioner - 百度百科
Executioner(刽子手):沉重的斧头昭示著刽子手的危险性。 惯于杀人的双手能沉稳的把重斧砸入敌人要害,更有甚者能直接以怪力将目标过肩摔落地面,使对... [1] executioner,英语单词,主要用作为名词,用作名词译为“刽子手,死刑执行人”。