ED-E My Love - Fallout Wiki
ED-E My Love is a companion quest in Fallout: New Vegas. The quest is started by traveling to the town of Primm and entering the Nash residence, found on the street corner opposite both the Vikki...
ED-E - Fallout Wiki
Eyebot Duraframe Subject E, also known as ED-E (pronounced "Eddie" or "E-D-E"), is a Duraframe Eyebot originally created in the Capital Wasteland, now residing in an inactive state within the Nash residence in Primm in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. It is a possible companion of the...
ED-E的终极攻略(有关ED-E的问题都可以在这跟帖,大家一起研 …
2011年5月10日 · ED-E的任务难度就是在于任务没有明确的指示,虽说第一步可以从NPC对话中了解到吉布森垃圾处理厂的老太太可能有情报,但是如果玩家在触发任务之前就跟她对话过以后,或者当玩家身边没有ED-E时,对话过后依然无法完成任务,并且这个地点就作废了,她不会在说同样的话。 这就导致了很多同学任务卡住。 虽然如果你踏遍莫哈维废土依然有很多机会做完这个任务,但是很多同学心急啊,哈哈。 好吧,这个终极解决办法就是: 去下一站,太阳神一号发电 …
Lonesome Road perk vs. rescuing ED-E - Fallout: New Vegas
Personally, I favor Raul (Full Maintenance) and ED-E (Enhanced Sensors / Camarader-E) over Lonesome Road's effects, though I still took Lonesome Road. 2: All effects of the Camarader-E...
Lonesome Road (add-on) | Fallout中文維基 | Fandom
Launched the nuclear missile from the Ashton silo. Find all of ED-E's upgrades in the Divide. Completed Lonesome Road. Acquired all upgrades for the Divide's signature weapon. Detonated all of the warheads in the Divide. Discovered all the locations in the Divide. Most Likely To... Uncovered all 6 references to the past of Courier 6... your past.
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Why does ED-E attack everyone? *minor spoilers* - GameFAQs
ED-E likes to attack people for no apparent reason other than him being a rage monster. It happens all the freaking time. Introduce him to Fisto. Discipline time.
edjpgcom 使用方法和下载 - CSDN博客
2020年2月21日 · edjpgcom is a free Windows application that allows you to change (or add) a JPEG commment in a JPEG file. That's all it does. All other fields in a JFIF or Exif file are left untouched. It even keeps the filesystem timestamp! It's based on the rdjpgcom and wrjpgcom utilities from the Independent JPEG Group's 6b distribution.
ED-E with personality - Mod Ideas - Nexus Mods Forums - The …
2014年2月3日 · I miss the personality of clone!ED-E, whom I absolutely adore. In show, I want a mod that basically transfers clone!ED-E's personality onto the original. Please? (Or, y'know, if this is something built into the game and I just needed to already have ED-E repaired when I played Lonesome Road, let me know and I'll slink away in shame LOL)
ED-E Upgrade Locations in Lonesome Road (Possible Spoilers)
You can see what each upgrade does by going to your perks and reading the "Camrader-E" description, it lists them all even if you only have rank 1. Besides the 5 main upgrades, you can also...