Skywatcher ED72 for imaging ? - Refractors - Cloudy Nights
2018年9月3日 · This image was taken through a Skywatcher ED72 attached unguided to an HEQ5 with a canon 1000D last night. The image is made up of 30 x 3 minute subs. There are …
Skywatcher Evostar 72ED - AstroBin
2019年12月31日 · This is a non-automatic submission group: you will pick and choose which images you want to submit.
NGC7000 with ED72 - Cloudy Nights
2019年9月1日 · NGC7000 with ED72 - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Taken through a Skywatcher ED72 unguided on an HEQ5 mount. …
Skywatcher ED72 - Getting Started With Imaging - Stargazers …
2018年9月20日 · When comparing the fovs between the 80ED and the 72s on blackwaterskies imaging toolbox the 432mm focal length of the EDF 72 for instance isn't that much different at …
Skywatcher Evostar 72ED help - Stargazers Lounge
2019年8月11日 · I'm considering getting a Skywatcher Evostar 72ED for deep sky imaging. I'm new to astrophotography although I have been using a 200pds on an EQ5 for visual for some …
My first attempt at planetary imaging with Skywatcher Evostar 72ED …
2020年6月4日 · I grabbed a couple of videos with my Nikon D3300 DSLR and my 2.5X barlow in my Evostar 72. I know the large sensor of the DSLR and "short" focal length of 1050mm is far …
Sky-Watcher 72ed field flattener - Refractors - Cloudy Nights
2020年8月2日 · Reducer/flattener is your choice. But the 72ED is not a long focal length so images will be on the smaller size. Which one will work often depends on the threads that …
Poland - Electric - EMU - ED72 - Banal.Net
Poland - Electric - EMU - ED72 Railway PKP Locomotive ED72-006 Designer AndrzejAndrzej, GregHF Painter AndrzejAndrzej Source andrzejlandrzej.strefa.pl: Medium Image 500x800: …
国鉄ED72形電気機関車 徹底ガイド | レイルラボ(RailLab)
レイルラボ メンバーさんから投稿された「国鉄ED72形電気機関車 」の鉄道フォト・画像一覧です。 全国走破めざしませんか! 鉄道の旅を記録しませんか? 乗車距離は自動計算! 写真や …
Ed72 hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
Find the perfect ed72 stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Available for both RF and RM licensing.