国鉄ED75形電気機関車 - Wikipedia
ed75形電気機関車(ed75がたでんききかんしゃ)は、日本国有鉄道(国鉄)が1963年(昭和38年)に開発した、交流用電気機関車である。 2016年 ( 平成 28年)4月以降は、旅客鉄道会社が保有する唯一の交流電気機関車となっている。
日本国铁ED75型电力机车 - 百度百科
ed75型电力机车(日语:ed75形电気机関车)是日本国有铁道的交流电力机车车款之一,适用于供电制式为20千伏50赫兹(或60赫兹)的工频单相交流电的电气化铁路,也是日本国铁当中数量最多的交流电力机车。由1963年至1976年间,日立制作所、三菱电机、三菱重工业、东芝公司共生产了302台该型机车 ...
日本國鐵ED75型電力機車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ed75型電力機車(日语: ed75形電気機関車 )是日本國有鐵道的交流 電力機車車款之一,适用于供电制式为20千伏50赫兹(或60赫兹)的工频单相交流电的电气化铁路,也是日本國鐵當中數量最多的交流電力機車。. 由1963年至1976年間,日立製作所、三菱電機、三菱重工業、東芝公司共生產了302台該型機 ...
JNR Class ED75 - Wikipedia
The Class ED75 (ED75形) is a Bo-Bo wheel arrangement AC electric locomotive type operated on passenger and freight services in Japan since 1963. [1] A total of 302 locomotives were built by Hitachi, Mitsubishi, and Toshiba between 1963 and 1976. [2] As of 1 April 2016, just five locomotives remained in service, all operated by JR East. [3]
JNR Class ED75 - Wikiwand
ED75-0. This was the original type. Two prototypes, ED75 1 and 2, were delivered in 1963, built by Hitachi and Mitsubishi. [2] Following test running, a further 158 locomotives were built from 1964 by Hitachi, Mitsubishi, and Toshiba. [1] Locomotive numbers 50 to 100 were equipped for cold regions, and were fitted with icicle cutters above the driving cab windows. [1]
JNR Class ED75 | Locomotive Wiki - Fandom
The JNR Class ED75 is a Japanese AC electric locomotive operated by the Japanese National Railways and its successor companies since 1963. The ED75 was designed as a versatile AC electric locomotive for use on the JNR. The locomotive was introduced with the electrification of a portion of the Jōban Line. The locomotives were intended to be used on a wide variety of operations. From 1963 to ...
ED75形交流電気機関車 - tetsubanonakigara.web.fc2.com
ed75形電気機関車 ed75は国鉄交流用d級電気機関車の標準ともいえる機関車で、昭和38年の常磐線平(現在のいわき)電化の際に0番台が登場。続いて昭和40年には九州用の300番台が登場した。昭和41年には北海道用の500番台が1両のみ登場、昭和43年には高速貨物列車・寝台特急対応の1000番台が、昭和46 ...
loco-info.com - Japanese National Railways class ED75
The ED75 is a four-axle mixed traffic locomotive for use under 20 kV AC at 50 Hz. At a service weight of only 67.2 tonnes, it delivers an output of 1,900 kW and reaches a top speed of 100 km/h. After the first two prototypes were built in 1963, 300 more had been completed by 1976.
新车|吉利远程超级VAN同级 瑞驰新ED75上市 10.99万元/降7.59 …