EDE - light and fast desktop environment
EDE is small desktop environment built to be responsive, light in resource usage and to have familiar look and feel. It runs on Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Minix, Zaurus and even on XBox. Download version 2.1
aboutede - EDE
EDE (Equinox Desktop Environment) is a simple and fast desktop environment for *nix-like systems. It uses the FLTK GUI toolkit and offers a familiar look and feel. EDE is designed according to the UNIX philosophy, which means it offers seperate executables for each component to “do one job and do it good”.
EDE Desktop - GitHub
Fast and light desktop environment. EDE Desktop has 11 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Equinox Desktop Environment - ArchWiki
The Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE) is a desktop environment designed to be simple, extremely light-weight and fast. It primarily offers the most basic things: A window manager ( PekWM is used by default), a simple GUI including a panel, a daemon watching removable media and a notification daemon.
EDE - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
EDE,全称“Equinox Desktop Environment ”,是一个轻量级的桌面环境,目标是创建一个简洁快速的桌面环境。早期的1.x版基于修改版的FLTK—即eFLTK,之后的版本采用纯粹的FLTK。
EDE download | SourceForge.net
2016年6月8日 · The UDE-Project is creating a new Desktop Environment for X11. The entirely original look & feel is mainly optimized for efficient shell usage (as for programming, sysadministration etc). Offers max. screen space, stability and very low resource usage.
download - EDE
Simply want to try out EDE? Get the image of a live CD that comes with it! The Remastersys team created an Ubuntu 12.04 based distribution with EDE (2.0) which you can burn on CD or use with a virtual drive.
EDE - 百度百科
EDE (Equinox Desktop Environment)是轻量级、模块化、轻便型的类UNIX操作系统的桌面环境,能运行在非常古老的硬件设备上。 4月22日它正式发布了2.0版的第一个测试版。 新版增加了大量新代码和特性,最主要的变化是用FLTK替换了eFLTK,全新的edelib库,遵循fredesktop org标准,基于Bugzilla的bug跟踪器。 edelib的功能包括创建窗口,保存程序配置,通过D-Bus通信,载入图标主题等。 [1] 2012年05月19日,EDE 2.0发布,该版本是一个主要的版本,包含很多新 …
Chill out with the Linux Equinox Desktop Environment
2019年12月24日 · The Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE) is a fast and simple desktop written in C++ and FLTK for Unix desktops. It uses common desktop conventions, so it looks and feels familiar right away, and after only a few days of using it, I found its simplicity provides a minimal elegance that I enjoy.
edeproject/ede: EDE code - GitHub
EDE, the Equinox Desktop Environment, is a small and fast desktop environment that uses the FLTK toolkit. For more details and the philosophy behind it, see about EDE on our wiki.