Edge Geraldine - Final Fantasy Wiki
Edge, real name Edward Geraldine, is a player character in Final Fantasy IV and its sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. Various sources offer conflicting information on Edge's name. The gallery in Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection …
Edge (Final Fantasy IV party member) - Fandom
Edge is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV. He is a Ninja who can dual-wield weapons and use Ninjutsu skills in battle. Edge is fast and deals decent physical damage, but is less durable and powerful than other characters, and his offensive magic …
Can someone "explain" how to use edge effectively? - Final Fantasy IV ...
Try equipping him with some of Yang's old claws; they'll really help his attacking potential - in particular, the Fairy/Faerie (or whatever it's called in this version) does decent damage against...
爱德华·吉拉尔丁 - 最终幻想中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网 …
爱德华·吉拉尔丁——艾吉,是 最终幻想IV 的配角,也是 最终幻想IV:月之归还 的主要人物之一。 艾吉是军事国家 艾布拉纳 的第一王子,也是艾布拉纳王的独生子。 艾吉在父母的百般疼爱中长大,但并未以矜贵的王子身份自居。 作为王族,艾吉的性格可谓破天荒:嘴不饶人,莽撞好色,还容易得意忘形。 不过实质上的艾吉温柔亲切,同时还称得上是一位自信顽强、胸怀大义的活动家,作为王者的素质已崭露头角,因此倍受百姓爱戴。 [1] 在本传中,艾吉的祖国艾布拉纳被高贝扎 …
Edge - Final Fantasy IV Guide - IGN
2012年8月20日 · Not only is Edge a ninja capable of great skills in battle, but he is also royalty. The Prince of Eblan, Edge has a claim to the throne there following the death of his parents, the King and...
Edge (The After Years party member) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Edge is a playable character in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. He has decent all-around stats aside from low Spirit, with his Speed again being his greatest stat. He can serve both as a physical attacker and as a more powerful mage with Ninjutsu.
Edge Geraldine - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
2013年2月8日 · Edge Geraldine is a playable character in the game Final Fantasy IV. He is the prince of Eblan and a skilled Ninja. He is very brash and has an inflated ego, and flirts with women quite often....
忍者Edge-最终幻想4(Final Fantasy IV)(FF4)-FFSKY天幻网专题 …
这是サンタマリア(日站ff4达人)设计出来的模式。 确实,这种模式的能力值比较高,或许这样的数值就是Edge的最强能力值。 跟上一种模式比起来,变化点有力值少1、精神加5、攻击力加10、魔法回避率加1。
Edge - Final Fantasy IV (PlayStation) - Guides - Gamer Corner …
Battle commands, gear, spells, and character details for Edge in Final Fantasy IV (Chronicles, FF4, FFIV, PlayStation, PS, PS1, PSX)
Edge - Final Fantasy IV Characters - Caves of Narshe
Edge is the heir to the throne of Eblan and a skilled ninja. He is rash and hot-headed, and his desire for revenge leads him to join Cecil's cause.