Edge states - Wikipedia
In physics, Edge states are the topologically protected electronic states that exist at the boundary of the material and cannot be removed without breaking the system's symmetry. [1] [2]
不同模型能带结构中不同的边缘态有什么物理上的区别? - 知乎
简单说, 就是在不破坏对应对称性的条件下,想要改变体系的拓扑性质,必须关闭 bulk gap,再重新打开 bulk gap,才可能进入另一个相,也就是拓扑性质受到gap保护。 我们拿典型的例子来 …
如何理解拓扑绝缘体的边界态? - 知乎
但是有一点则是一直正确的,就是存在edge state(mode)。 而且bulk 拓扑完全由edge拓扑刻画。 因此实际上和string theory中的全息原理(holographic principle)。
Quantum Hall effect: edge states — Topology in condensed …
On the lower edge there are only left-moving states, and on the upper edge only right moving ones. On each edge there are only states moving in one direction, and the direction is …
Haldane Model: From QSHE to QAHE - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Edge state. The nonzero Chern number ( \nu=\pm1) indicates that the system has quantized Hall conductance. As the average magnetic field is zero, one may conclude that the haldane model …
Electron edge states in graphene in the Quantum Hall effect regime can carry both spin. We show that spin splitting of the zeroth Landau level gives rise to counterpropagating with opposite …
如何描述二维物理体系的边缘态? - 知乎
2016年5月17日 · 我们通常讲bulk-edge correspondence,就是指的某个体系在bulk上具有拓扑不平庸的性质,这些拓扑性可以被拓扑不变量所刻划,比如Chern number和Z2 index,然后在 …
Edge States in Graphene: From Gapped Flat-Band to Gapless …
2009年3月2日 · We study edge states in graphene systems where a bulk energy gap is opened by inversion symmetry breaking. We find that the edge bands dispersion can be controlled by …
如何用FDTD软件仿真 拓扑体态、边缘态、角态 - 知乎
文章在同一个光子晶体结构中同时包含拓扑 角态 (Corner State),拓扑 边缘态 (Edge State),拓扑 体态 (Bulk State)。今天就基于此做一些简单的仿真工作,希望能够抛砖引 …
边缘态及量子霍尔效应[2020-05-09] - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年5月9日 · 跳跃轨道 (边缘态,edge state,实际上是承载电流的一种状态,扩展态,边缘通道,edge channel) 往返轨道. 要求:强磁场. 回旋轨道半径小于器件宽度(空间限度),就 …