EDGY中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
edgy翻译:紧张不安的;烦躁的, 处于时尚前沿的;具有创新性的。了解更多。
2022年4月30日 · edgy,作形容词时译为“尖利的;紧张的,烦躁不安的;(演奏或文字作品)尖锐的,强烈的;(电影、书籍等)激动人心的;前卫的,尖端的,先进的”。
EDGY by fphund - Itch.io
CHECK OUT EDGY 2 HERE! https://fphund.itch.io/edgy2---!EDGY 2 RELEASED!-----No reason, no justification. Just shoot, slice, and sometimes break some necks in this hard-hitting FPS. Beware, one hit and you are out, and so are your enemies.--WASD LSHIFT - MOVEMENT. LMB - ATTACK. F - PICK/DROP WEAPONS. Q E - LEAN (no seriously, lean)--
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edgy - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年2月12日 · edgy (comparative edgier, superlative edgiest) Nervous, apprehensive. (entertainment, advertising) Creatively challenging; cutting edge; leading edge. (entertainment, advertising) On the edge between acceptable and offensive; pushing the boundaries of good taste; risqué. (dated) Irritable.
EDGY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
EDGY definition: 1. nervous; not calm: 2. unusual in a way that is fashionable or exciting: 3. nervous; not calm: . Learn more.
还只知道BM风? 今年最新的EDGY风才厉害,各国小姐姐都这样穿 …
2022年9月5日 · 什么是edgy style? 与其说这是一个穿衣风格,穿搭编更觉得它是一个态度,不用为了其他人穿着合身的单品,更多的是做自己、让自己穿得舒服!选用的单品整体轮廓明显,结合了美式校园、复古辣妹这样的感觉~
edgy - 英中 – Linguee词典
British iconic fashion designer, Vivienne Westwood, is renowned for her avant garde des ign, edgy cutt ings, and unique style. 著名英國時裝設計師Vivienne Westwood設計一向以前衛見 …
"You are edgy"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
"Edgy" typically refers to someone because overly dark or gruesome to try and pretend to be "cool." They will talk about very dark topics suddenly and will get called "edgy." Example: "That cat is very cute!"
EDGY 2 by fphund
2024年11月30日 · Only shoot, throw empty guns at your foes and hit hard with a lead pipe in this sequel to the 2019's shooter. And be prepared to die a lot in the process. Featuring active ragdolls/physically animated enemies. The game is still very much in …
- 评论数: 6
EDGY战队_EDGY战队成员_EDGY战队视频_EDGY比赛视频直播-玩 …
中国EDGY战队,全名EDward Gaming YOUTH TEAM,战队成员最新资料介绍,历史比赛的完整数据和视频,他们最害怕的对手是谁? 玩加赛事,专注服务认真游戏的玩家。
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