Understanding the EDI 317 - Delivery/Pickup Order - Cleo
What is an EDI 317? The EDI 317 is a Delivery/Pickup Order, used to provide information required for the delivery or pickup of shipments. How to use an EDI 317? An EDI 317 Delivery/Pickup Order is used by importers to provide details to terminal operators related to the orders for the delivery or pickup of a shipment.
2018年10月8日 · EDI指的是电子数据交换,如EDIFACT、X12、VDA等标准的使用,使所有相关方都可以通过安全文件传输机制来交换业务数据,该消息传输最大的优势在于可以自动集成到企业管理系统中。 货运代理人或海关代理人要求收货人或航线使用IFTMBF(国际货运代理和运输消息公司订舱)报文,用其订舱功能订舱。 收货人使用IFTMBC(国际货运代理和运输信息预订确认)报文与货运代理/海关代理人确认预订。 货运代理用IFTMIN(国际转发和运输信息——指 …
EDI 317 Delivery/Pickup Order - 1EDISource X12 EDI T-Sets
EDI 317 Specification This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Delivery/Pickup Order Transaction Set (317) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment.
EDI Transactions Guide: Types, EDI Codes & Standards - Cleo
EDI transactions are electronic business documents used by EDI trading partners to communicate buying and selling actions within a business transaction. For instance, a company ordering product from their supplier will send them an EDI purchase order.
X12 Transaction Sets
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Delivery/Pickup Order Transaction Set (317) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment.
X12 317: Delivery/Pickup Order - EDI and B2B Solutions | Data ...
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Delivery/Pickup Order Transaction Set (317) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment.
Importance of EDI in Transportation and Logistics Industry
Here is a complete guide and all you need to know about EDI in Transportation and Logistics industry. The commonly used EDI documents in trucking are EDI 204, EDI 997, EDI 210, EDI 211 and EDI 214 and EDI 990.
X12 EDI 317 Delivery/Pickup Order - Stedi
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Delivery/Pickup Order Transaction Set (317) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment.
EDI是什么,到底什么公司需要这个呢? - 知乎
EDI全称Electronic Data Interchange,中文名称是电子数据交换,也称为“无纸化贸易”。 EDI遵从国际标准,使得业务数据按照结构化或是标准的报文格式,通过网络,从一个业务系统到另一个业务系统进行电子数据传输,让计算机与计算机自动传输标准格式的电子形式的订单、发票、库存报告等业务单据。 了解EDI后,咱们再看下EDI可以做哪些工作呢? 知行EDI主要分为三大版本:数据传输、数据转换、EDI与业务系统集成。 板块一:数据传输:EDI支持您与合作伙伴之间传 …
EDI 753, 754, 810, 812, 820, 830, 850, 856, 940, 945 - SAP …
2008年4月3日 · Below you will find a list of EDI transactions (sometimes referred to as EDI transaction codes or transaction sets) that are used as part of the ANSI ASC X12 EDI standards. 104 Air Shipment Information