E-Cell* Electrodeionization (EDI) Stacks | Veolia - Water Technologies
E-Cell EDI stacks are the core component of a fully engineered system to produce ultrapure and high purity water. Veolia offers several models with differing capabilities for use in many industries including power generation, semiconductor fabrication, solar panel production, green hydrogen, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and at many other heavy ...
Suez Ecell Stack - EDI STACK - UNITECH
SUEZ’s E-Cell* electrodeionization (EDI) technology removes residual salts and ionizable aqueous species – such as carbon dioxide, silica, ammonia and boron – from your water sources. The EDI systems operate chemical-free, achieve 97% …
E-Cell MK-3 Stack EDI - Deionx
E-Cell MK-3 stack are electrodeionization (EDI) stacks that use electrical current to deionize and polish reverse osmosis (RO) permeate water. The product water for the MK-3 is at an Ultrapure level required in today’s most demanding applications.
E-Cell电去离子 (EDI) 系统
E-Cell Electrodeionization (EDI) Systems - Water Technologies
E-Cell EDI systems are pre-engineered and readily available with 1-12 E-Cell-3X or E-Cell MK-7 stacks. These systems are built using decades of experience in EDI technology and robust and reliable system design and fabrication.
Use electrical current to provide ultrapure water for power generation, solar panel production, green hydrogen generation and many other heavy industries. Deliver premium performance including both the highest levels of product water quality and the lowest energy consumption.
One well-known membrane separation concept is electrodialysis (ED), which uses an electrical potential to transport and segre-gate charged aqueous species. EDI is a further refinement of electrodialysis in that it combines the semi-permeable membrane tech-nology with ion-exchange media to provide a high-efficiency demineralization process.
SUEZ E-Cell Electrodeionization EDI / EDR modules - Lenntech
E-Cell EDI systems are pre-engineered and readily available with 1-12 E-Cell-3X or E-Cell MK-7 stacks. These systems are built using decades of experience in EDI technology and robust and reliable system design and fabrication.
苏伊士GE E-CELL-3X EDI模块价格_参数_优势特点-蓝膜
2020年4月28日 · e-cell-3x edi模块技术采用直流电迫使污染离子持续的从进水中迁移出来,并穿过离子床和离子交换膜进入浓水室。 同时直流电能够将水分子电离成氢离子和氢氧根离子,持续的对树脂进行再生。
E-Cell MK-3 stacks are electrodeionization (EDI) stacks which use electrical current to deionize and polish reverse osmosis (RO) permeate water. The product water for the MK-3 is at an Ultrapure level required in today’s most demanding applications. Find a contact near you by visiting www.ge.com/water and clicking on “Contact Us” .