Mk6E - EDMI Meters
The Mk6E is an enhanced upgrade of the Mk6 meter, built with a higher class accuracy of 0.2S, catering to the high-end markets. The Mk6E is a high-precision meter created for generation and transmission applications, as well as for revenue metering at high-end consumer facilities.
The Mk6E is an enhanced upgrade of the Mk6 meter, built with a higher class accuracy of 0.2S, catering to the high-end markets. The Mk6E is a high-precision meter created for generation and transmission applications, as well as for revenue metering at high-end consumer facilities. Mk6E Key Features www.edmi-meters.com
EDMI MK6E MK6 电能表 关口表 - kindcn.com
MK6E电能表是采用现代微电子技术、计算机技术、电测量技术、数据通信技术并充分考虑国内用户需求而设计的电能计量产品。 该系列电能表采用数字处理技术,计量精度高、性能稳定、功能强大,适用于各级关口、大用户计量,并且通过了多家权威机构的检测. MK6E电能表主要特点简述如下: 1.1、MK6E电能表适用于三相三线和三相四线的接线方式。 用户只需根据现场实际接线情况做相应接线,然后通过软件将表设置成相应的线制,避免现场安装出错,简化方便库存管理。 …
MK6E系列电能表使用说明.pdf 96页 - 原创力文档
2017年9月24日 · Mk6E 电能表具有高精度电瞬时量、双方向 电能计量功能,还能够记录线路运行的各项运行参数,方便综合分析线路的运行状况。 红相电力设备集团有限公司在生产高精度电能计量设备方面具有悠久的历史,所生产的 产品均满足AS/NZS/ISO9001 质量保证体系。 Mk6E 全电子式多功能电能表选用高集成电路, 元件及模块,由全自动装配线装配并采用计算机控制的自动校准装置校验,确保电表的高精 度及高可靠性。 2 Mk6E 系列全电子多功能电能表操作手册 第 …
Mk6E 中文技术手册 V1.4 - 道客巴巴
2017年9月17日 · edmi mk6e 关口表产品介绍会v2 1 星级: 21 页 mk6e 中文技术手册 v14 星级: 68 页 红相mk6e电能表 星级: 8 页 红相公司湖南mk6e电表显示代码 星级: 2 页 【精品】edmi mk6e 关口表产品介绍会v2.1 ...
KWH METER EDMI Mk6E - integra-automa.com
The Mk6E is an enhanced upgrade of the Mk6 meter, built with a higher class accuracy of 0.2S, catering to the high-end markets. The Mk6E is a high-precision meter created for generation and transmission applications, as well as for revenue metering at high-end consumer facilities.
MK6E是EDMI公司专为关口及其他用高端电场合设计制造的高性能三相电能表,符合现在物联电能计量的要求,它不但具有高准确性电能双向计量的功能,同时还记录一系列必需的系统电力参数。 表内数量众多的寄存器使得Mk6E表具有多种复杂功能,不但保证了电能计量的正确性,而且实现了数据记录及用电管理。
Mk6E – EDMI Meters
The Mk6E is an enhanced upgrade of the Mk6 meter, built with a higher class accuracy of 0.2S, catering to the high-end markets. The Mk6E is a high-precision meter created for generation and transmission applications, as well as for revenue metering at high-end consumer facilities.
EDMI Genius/Mk6E User Manual - Smart Building Services Pty Ltd
2021年5月22日 · EDMI Genius/Mk6E User Manual - Smart Building Services Pty Ltd. Topics manualzilla, manuals, , Collection manuals_contributions; manuals; additional_collections Item Size 236.0M . Addeddate 2021-05-22 04:59:03 Identifier manualzilla-id-6874358 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t1zd94b89 ...
Mk6 Genius, Mk6E User Manual - EDMI | Manualzz
I've reviewed the EDMI Mk6 E Energy Meter User Manual. This comprehensive guide covers installation, configuration, data viewing, register access, security settings, and the use of EziView software and EziScript extensions.
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