¿Dónde está Edom hoy? – Iglesia de Cristo La Vista
Pregunta: ¿Cuál es el nombre de Edom en la actualidad? Respuesta: El país de Edom fue fundado por el hermano de Jacob, Esaú. Adoptó el apodo de "Edom" o "Rojo" cuando vendió la mitad de su enorme herencia por un simple plato de guiso de frijoles rojos. Edom estaba ubicado en la región al sureste de Israel. El monte Seir era…
Where is Edom today? - La Vista Church of Christ
2005年9月24日 · Question: What is Edom's name today? Answer: The country of Edom was founded by Jacob's brother Esau. He picked up the nickname "Edom" or "Red" when he sold half of his massive inheritance for a simple bowl of red bean stew. Edom was located in the region to the southeast of Israel. Mount Seir was…
오늘날 에돔은 어디에 있는가? – 라 비스타 그리스도의 교회
답변 : 에돔이라는 나라는 야곱의 형 에사우가 세웠습니다. 그는 막대한 상속 재산의 절반을 단순한 팥죽 한 그릇을 위해 팔았을 때 "에돔" 또는 "붉은"이라는 별명을 얻었습니다. 에돔은 이스라엘의 남동쪽 지역에 위치해 있었습니다. 세일 산은 이 지역의 주목할 만한 랜드마크였습니다. 에돔과 ...
Edom – La Vista Church of Christ
2009年9月10日 · Question: I agree with you on Ezekiel 35, but according to Scripture Edom still exists. The Scriptures clearly show that Edom assumed true Israel’s identity when Israel was forced out of Samaria and Judah. The so-called Jew today is Edom according to Scripture. Please read Jeremiah 25 . Moreover, read Ezekiel 35:9-15 again.
Please explain John 8:34-55 to me - La Vista Church of Christ
Question: Please give me the best-detailed description of John 8:34-55. Who is there, what, who is speaking to whom, and its meaning. Also, who is Mount Seir? Who are perpetual haters? Who is Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated? Who is Esau today? Who is Edom? Who are those who martyred the saints?
Doesn’t the Scriptures say that Edom took over Israel’s identity?
Question: I agree with you on Ezekiel 35, but according to Scripture Edom still exists. The Scriptures clearly show that Edom assumed true Israel's identity when Israel was forced out of Samaria and Judah. The so-called Jew today is Edom according to Scripture. Please read Jeremiah 25. Moreover, read Ezekiel 35:9-15 again.
What are the most asked questions by people? - La Vista Church …
Answer: I checked my site and in the last year, here are the top search questions that brought 2.5 million people to the site in the last year: Where is Edom today? What are some good scriptures to read for communion? What constitutes porneia? What is lust? How old is the world? Why were James and John called the "sons of thunder"?
Prophecies Against Babylon, Edom, and Arabia
Prophecies Against Babylon, Edom, and Arabia Text: Isaiah 21 Prophecy Concerning Babylon - Isaiah 21:1-10 This prophecy concerns "the desert of the sea," which we later learn is describing Babylon (Isaiah 21:9). Isaiah receives a harsh vision that is as terrifying as a sudden windstorm in the Negev. It involves treachery and destruction. The Medes…
Где сегодня Эдом? – Церковь Христа Ла Виста
2005年9月24日 · Вопрос: Как сегодня зовут Эдома? Ответ: Страна Эдом была основана братом Иакова Исавом. Он получил прозвище «Эдом» или «Красный», когда продал половину своего огромного наследства за простую миску тушеной красной ...
geography – Page 2 – La Vista Church of Christ
2006年3月5日 · I was reading in Isaiah 35 where the prophecy was concerning the land of Edom and wondered where present-day Edom is. I typed in Edom on bing.com and chose your web site.