The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)
The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), a publicly funded tertiary institution, is an Education-focused, research-active university offering multidisciplinary programmes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
香港教育大學 (教大) - Education University of Hong Kong
香港教育大學是香港規模最大的教師教育高等學府,受公帑資助。本校專注教育領域的研究、發展及創新,並進一步加強本校在亞太地區及以外的先導地位,藉著高質素的研究及學術發展,持續提升在本地、區內與國際上的地位和影響力。本校矢志培育出色、關懷社群的教育及專業人士,為香 …
EdUHK – Academic Programmes and Admissions
Why EdUHK EdUHK is one of the teacher education providers in Hong Kong. Graduates of the University’s teacher education programmes are eligible to apply to become fully qualified and registered teachers.
Online Application | EdUHK – Academic Programmes and …
You must complete and submit your own application via the EdUHK online admissions system and provide your own personal and contact details. Please refer to the official EdUHK channels, such as programme websites and the admissions system, for the required information to complete your application.
香港教育大学 (教大) - Education University of Hong Kong
香港教育大学是香港规模最大的教师教育高等学府,受公帑资助。本校专注教育领域的研究、发展及创新,并进一步加强本校在亚太地区及以外的先导地位,藉着高质素的研究及学术发展,持续提升在本地、区内与国际上的地位和影响力。本校矢志培育出色、关怀社群的教育及专业人士,为香 …
Postgraduate Programmes | EdUHK – Academic Programmes and …
Please refer to the official EdUHK channels, such as programme websites and the admissions system, for the required information to complete your application. Applicants are also advised to read through the following important information:
Academics | The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)
The University is fully committed to its strategic objective of nurturing future educators and social leaders through curriculum innovation. As the sole university with a primary focus on teacher education in Hong Kong, we aim to nurture competent teachers who in turn will make a difference in the coming generations, thus creating a virtuous circle to ensure the continuous and …
About EdUHK | The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)
EdUHK aims to be a leading university in the Asia Pacific region and beyond, with a focus on educational research, development and innovation.
Careers | The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)
by downloading from the web site of the University: http://www.eduhk.hk/hro/applyfor.htm; or by sending a request through e-mail: [email protected] Completed application forms should be returned to Human Resources Office on or before the relevant closing date for application.
Undergraduate Programmes | EdUHK – Academic Programmes …
EdUHK is one of the teacher education providers in Hong Kong. Graduates of the University’s teacher education programmes are eligible to apply to become fully qualified Registered Teachers. For registration as a teacher, graduates should approach the Teacher Registration Team of the Education Bureau (EDB) to submit applications directly.