EE-SY671 / 672 带灵敏度调整旋钮的反射型(直流光)/样本
以下是面向海外地区制作的样本,其中可能包含不在中国销售的型号。 在中国地区订购时请注意确认。 ※若样本的PDF文件较大,建议右击后选择"保存"。 © Copyright 欧姆龙自动化(中国) …
EE-SY671 | OMRON Industrial Automation
at 40 mA load current: 0.4 V max. Fluorescent light: 1500 lx max.
EE-SY671 Omron Automation and Safety - DigiKey
EE-SY671 – Reflective Optical Sensor 0.039" ~ 0.197" (1mm ~ 5mm) ADJ White Paper Module, Connector from Omron Automation and Safety. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
EE-SY671 Sensitivity Adjustable Plug-in Diffuse Photomicrosensor
Reflective Sensors with Sensitivity Adjuster. Please fill out the form below to: If you own this product and need technical support, visit our support page to request help via phone, email or live chat. How can we help? Omron Automation Americas needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services.
EE-SY671 / 672 带灵敏度调整旋钮的反射型(直流光)/额定值 /
2013年3月26日 · 使用环境照度为光直接照射受光面时的值。
EE-SY671 / 672 Reflective Photomicrosensor with Sensitivity
2017年4月19日 · • Easy adjustment with a built-in sensitivity adjuster. • Easy optical axis monitoring with a bright light indicator. • Compact design incorporating a built-in amplifier and special IC enables direct switching capacity of up to 100 mA. • …
感度ボリウム付反射形(直流光)フォト・マイクロセンサ EE-SY671
21 小时之前 · EE-SY671 感度ボリウム付反射形(直流光)フォト・マイクロセンサの商品概要、在庫/販売状況および詳細情報をご紹介
EE-SY671_OMRON(欧姆龙)_EE-SY671中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立 …
ee-sy671价格参考¥43.76。 下载EE-SY671中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有反射式光电开关详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。 立创商城-顶部栏
EE-SY672;EE-SY671;中文规格书,Datasheet资料 - 百度文库
Photomicrosensor with sensitivity adjuster. •Easy adjustment with a built-in sensitivity adjuster. •Easy optical axis monitoring with a bright light indicator. The photomicrosensor is built into the device being used and so is not equipped to deal with interference from an external light source.
EE-SY671/672 Diffuse Photomicrosensor with Sensitivity Adjuster H Easy adjustment with a built-in sensitivity adjuster H Models with the sensing window located on the top or side of the body H Light-ON and Dark-ON selectable (Light-ON when the L terminal and the positive terminal are short-circuited) H Easy optical axis monitoring with an ...