Effects of the Protonation State of the EEEE Motif of a Bacterial …
2014年5月20日 · Prokaryotic channels are made of four identical protein chains that assemble to form a functional pore. Each of these four chains contributes with a glutamate residue to the selectivity filter (SF) of the channel, forming the so-called EEEE signature sequence.
Structure of the human sodium leak channel NALCN - Nature
2020年7月22日 · The selectivity filter locus of NALCN is lined by an EEKE motif, in which Glu280 (DI) and Glu554 (DII) side chains point to the ion conduction pathway, Lys1115 (DIII) folds down to the backbone...
Ion-triggered selectivity in bacterial sodium channels - PNAS
2018年5月7日 · The role of the EEEE motif on conduction and selectivity is investigated in the present study by an extensive set of MD simulations with membrane potentials at ±100 mV in the presence of sodium or potassium ions. The mechanisms of ion selectivity at positive and negative membrane potentials are found to be different.
Effects of the protonation state of the EEEE motif of a ... - PubMed
2014年5月20日 · In this study, how the structure of the selectivity filter, and the free-energy profile of permeating Na (+) ions are altered by the protonation state of Glu177 are analyzed. It was found that protonation of a single glutamate residue was enough to modify the conformation of the selectivity filter and its conduction properties.
L型Ca2+和细菌Na+生物离子通道中EEEE选择性悖论的推定解 …
作为这个悖论的可能解决方案,假设哺乳动物通道渗透路径上额外的带电蛋白质残基增加 |Qf | 通过 e,从而将选择性从 Na+ 改变为 Ca2+。 提出的实验将使假设能够得到检验。 The highly selective permeation of ions through biological ion channels can be described and explained in terms of fluctuational dynamics under the influence of powerful electrostatic forces.
In this study, how the structure of the selectivity filter, and the free-energy profile of permeating Naþ ions are altered by the protonation state of Glu177 are analyzed. It was found that protonation of a single glutamate residue was enough to modify the conformation of the selectivity filter and its conduction properties.
Effects of the Protonation States of the EEEE Motif of a Bacterial …
A distinctive feature of prokaryotic Na+-channels is the presence of four glutamate residues in their selectivity filter. How the structure of the selectivity filter and the free-energy profile of a permeating Na+ ion are altered by the protonation state of Glu177 residues in the NaVAb channel have been the focus of this study. It was found that protonation of a single glutamate residue is ...
Why voltage-gated Ca2+ and bacterial Na+ channels with the same EEEE …
2012年9月28日 · This raises the intriguing question why selectivity filters with the same EEEE motif are Na(+)-selective in Na(v) channels but Ca(2+)-selective in Ca(v) channels. We show that the different degree of metal hydration inside the pore, which is related to the pore size and rigidity, can account for the opposite ion selectivity in Na(v) and Ca(v ...
Effects of the Protonation State of the EEEE Motif of a Bacterial …
In this study, how the structure of the selectivity filter, and the free-energy profile of permeating Na þ ions are altered by the protonation state of Glu177 are analyzed. It was found that protonation of a single glutamate residue was enough to modify the conformation of the selectivity filter and its conduction properties.
Effects of the protonation state of the EEEE motif of a bacterial Na ...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Effects of the protonation state of the EEEE motif of a bacterial Na(+)-channel on conduction and pore structure." by S. Furini et al.