GitHub - james34602/EEL_VM: EEL2 compiler and execution VM …
EEL2 is a language that powers REAPER 's JSFX, LiveProgVST, and is also used by JamesDSP. This document is purely for the core EEL2 functionality. Basic Language Attributes. The core …
EEL Tutorial - Epsilon
You will learn how to use the EEL compiler, a few control structures and data types, and a few primitive operations. Most important, this section will teach you the mechanics of writing …
EEL_VM/ns-eel.h at master · james34602/EEL_VM - GitHub
EEL2 compiler and execution VM with enhanced routines for real-time signal processing - james34602/EEL_VM
瑞萨RH850 FCL、FDL和EEL库的配置和使用 - CSDN博客
2023年1月16日 · 本文详细介绍了瑞萨RH850车规级MCU中FCL、FDL和EEL库的配置与使用。FCL库用于程序存储区访问,FDL库操作数据存储区,EEL库则提供EEPROM仿真功能。配置 …
eel/include/EEL.h at master · olofson/eel - GitHub
The Extensible Embeddable Language for scripting in realtime applications - olofson/eel
eel2 documentation - Cockos Incorporated Forums
2011年3月8日 · EEL_F_SUFFIX will suffix the AT&T formatted instructions for 32bit integers or 64bit floating point operands. fpu_control.h is used in nseel-compiler.c for some definitions and …
Renesas RH850 EEL库介绍 - CSDN博客
2025年2月14日 · 定义:EEL是Renesas为 RH850 系列MCU设计的库,用于在Data Flash上模拟EEPROM的行为,支持频繁的数据读写。 通过虚拟块和 环形缓冲区 管理Flash,优化擦除次 …
HOME | Eel - hugary1995.github.io
EEL focuses on modeling battery-related physics, i.e. Mass transport of charged species, Electrostatics/Electrodynamics, Mechanical deformation, Thermal effects, and arbitrary ways …
Hydrogen - EELS.info
In other compounds, hydrogen donates its electron to the host and does not have an EELS signal of its own. The presence of hydrogen can often be inferred from its effect on the plasmon …
电子能量损失谱法 - 百度百科
电子能量损失谱 (EELS) 是测量电子在与样品相互作用后的动能变化的一系列技术。 该技术用于确定样品的原子结构和化学特性,包括:元素的种类及数量、元素的化学状态以及元素与近邻原 …