Very silly question. How do I unlock the NCOER after I sign it? I am ...
2016年8月15日 · Figured out the reason why, if the rater is still logged in, it won't allow the senior rater or review to access the ncoer. You have to log out through the Menu button on top left side of page. Vote up
How do I access my past NCOERs? - RallyPoint
2021年4月6日 · EES is where your NCOER support form is created and where you will create the NCOERs of the Soldiers you will rate, also where you will sign your own NCOER when it's time. Once you sign the NCOER and submit it and it gets sent to HRC it is no longer an active NCOER so you can't view it
A NCOER was just returned. How does a Senior Rater change
2018年3月23日 · Is a Change of Rater NCOER required if a unit is realigned to a new command and the NC...? 18 Votes 5 Comments Managing the Rater & Senior Rater Profile for the NCOER (2166-9) series and OER (67... 6 Votes 0 Comments
How do you correct an NCOER when the rated Soldier ETS'd?
2016年8月24日 · An Nco ETS'd from the Army but his NCOER was returned for corrections from HRC, Soldier is unable to un sign for us to make corrections. Do we just generate a new one in the EES system and put rated NCO unable to sign? Any recommendations?
How to do an NCOER with non rated time? - RallyPoint
2022年9月26日 · * Extended Annual - A mandatory code 10, “Extended Annual” report, will be prepared when any nonrated time periods have occurred since the “Thru” date of the previous OER or NCOER (for example, prior to the establishment of a new rating relationship between the rated Soldier and the rater).
Who initiates the NCOER process? - RallyPoint
2018年11月8日 · That plus the follow up counseling recorded in EES make it quick for the rater to write. In short, the rater is responsible, but the person rated will usually approach the rater with a partially written one listing their accomplishments - at least if they care about their career.
Understanding the new NCOER - RallyPoint
2016年3月30日 · By now everybody involved should have received several LPDs, or briefings, on the new NCOER. Most people understand where the Army is going with this new, improved evaluation system, but there are some people out there who are resistant to change and simply don’t like it. I believe that most of the people who haven’t bought into this yet simply do not understand why it was implemented and ...
What exactly is a Change of Rater NCOER? Is it a new one
2019年1月27日 · The details are as follows. I was recently promoted, switched units and my old unit still owes me my NCOER. My final month at my unit I filled out my support page as needed. I am still waiting on my old unit to give finish that NCOER. Now with my new unit my Platoon SGT will now be my rater when he does my NCOER he will just put all of his information on the next NCOER? Correct? or is there an ...
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How do I calculate NCOER time? - RallyPoint
2021年5月17日 · If a Soldier’s last thru date for their first NCOER was 31 July 20 & they PCS’d 7 November 20. They started work 25 November 20 due to 14 days quarantine. And attended a PME school from 17 Feb 21 to 9 April 21. How would you calculate & account for the non rated time. What would the from & thru dates be for their next NCOER?