约 3 个结果

expressions - How to spell 'ewww' as in 'ewww ahhh' - English …
I was wondering how I should spell 'ewww' as in 'ewww ahhh': Bob showed Jill his most impressive set of magic cards.
etymology - Eww! Has it crossed the pond yet? - English Language ...
I hear eww (sometimes spelt as ew) fairly regularly on American sitcoms, usually uttered by a scatterbrained beautiful blonde girl when she sees or hears something disgusting. I don't recall it ever
gerunds - Go doing or Go to do something - English Language
2022年3月20日 · Your question's body asks about two constructions, but its title asks about two different ones --- to express the latter in terms of cycling: "I go cycling" and "I go to do cycling".