What is the meaning of "eyyy"? - Question about English (UK)
Jun 28, 2022 · Definition of eyyy It's a sound which represents a " ;)"! For example: she said she wants to meet you again tomorrow? Eyyy, she totally likes you! |It has many meanings. It’s generally used as exclamation. For example, if I’m a group of friends one friend made a funny, lighthearted remark about another member in the friendship group, everyone else might say ‘eyyyyyyy’ to show that they ...
【eyyy】とはどういう意味ですか? - 英語 (イギリス)に関する質 …
"eyyy"是什么意思? -关于英语 (英国)(英文) | HiNative
eyyyIt's a sound which represents a " ;)"! For example: she said she wants to meet you again tomorrow? Eyyy, she totally likes you! |It has many meanings. It’s generally used as exclamation. For example, if I’m a group of friends one friend made a funny, lighthearted remark about another member in the friendship group, everyone else might …
"eyyy"是什麼意思? - 關於英語 (英國)(英文)的問題 | HiNative
eyyy的意思It's a sound which represents a " ;)"! For example: she said she wants to meet you again tomorrow? Eyyy, she totally likes you! |It has many meanings. It’s generally used as exclamation. For example, if I’m a group of friends one friend made a funny, lighthearted remark about another member in the friendship group, everyone …
What is the meaning of "eyyyyyy"? - Question about English (US)
Apr 1, 2020 · It’s slang for “Hi” or “yay”. Example: “Hiii!” “eyyyyy how are you” Or “Yes, we won!” “Eyyyy nice job”
What is the meaning of "ayy & eyy"? - Question about Filipino
Dec 2, 2020 · Definition of ayy & eyy Ayy and Eyy is an expression. Ayy is usually used on mildly shocking things or to express disappointments. While Eyy is usually used on greetings as would Americans do.
'Like crackers!' Helen spat. 'Them dirty old crackers up to camp'
Definición de what does cracker means? i'm reading a book and there are some sentences that i don't understand like: 'Like crackers!' Helen spat. 'Them dirty old crackers up to camp' Cracker es un insulto que personas negras usan a personas blancas en Los EEUU. Es similar como gringo. No es una palabra educada pero no es una palabra maldita tampoco.